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Mass Effect: Galaxies Review
by Kevin [ Friday, 26th of June 2009 - 02:03 AM ]
Mass Effect Galaxies, formerly Mass Effect: Jacob's Story, is an iPhone game developed by Bioware to offer fans of the franchise a little more in the way of mythology and action. It's a top down shooter with a great deal of personality for such a tiny title. It is not required to enjoy the series, but playing the game does give you insight into more of what is going on with characters you will encounter in the highly anticipated sequel, Mass Effect 2, Jacob and Miranda.Many of the same options in the 'higher end titles' appear here, including biotic powers and branching conversation trees. Unfortunetly, using the branching conversation mechanic here does not seem to have as much weight as it does in the aformentioned big brother to this game. Read More...
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