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Buckle Up Speed Racer For The New Gameplay For Need For Speed Unbound
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of November 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Need For Speed New gameplay for Need For Speed Unbound is out there to show off how this Need For Speed title has grown over the years Let us kick things into gear for Need For Speed Unbound just before its upcoming December 2nd release date out there. It is coming in fast and it feels like we only heard about the game not too long ago. None of that changes the fact that Criterion Games has not put a whole lot of work into it all and it is fully deserving of our time. At least, for now, since we have some new gameplay for Need For Speed Unbound to help drive us into the final stretch and see if it is going to be the racing game we all need under the trees this year. Read More...
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Let’s Do It With The New Reveal For The Upcoming Need For Speed Unbound
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of October 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Need For Speed The next Need For Speed title is on the way with the official reveal for Need For Speed Unbound The race is back on with the official reveal for Need For Speed Unbound that we have now. The next in the growing line of racing games from Criterion Games that will place us back on the streets to outrun the cops and do various other things around the game's map. Some of those various things are missions and modes that Need For Speed fans will have a lot of experience with, but it sounds like we will have a few more mixed in to help keep the IP fresh. Something we will get to see in full swing on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on December 2nd this year. Read More...
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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Is Coming At Us All This November
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of October 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Need For Speed The acclaimed Need For Speed title from the past is coming back as we have the reveal of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Some rivalries never seem to die, as it seems, and it looks like this is the reason we are seeing Need For Speed come back here for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch. Not in the way of a full new title, mind you, but in the way of a remaster from one from a while ago. Just in case you had any big rivalries you could not get over and drive you mad late into the night decades later. Read More...
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Burnout Paradise Remastered Is Announced & Coming Real Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of February 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Burnout Paradise Another remaster is coming as Burnout Paradise Remastered is announced and it will be bringing the game in 4K and include all of the Burnout Paradise DLC out there It is time to add another remastered title to the growing list as Burnout Paradise Remastered has been given the announcement treatment and heading to us on March 16th. Not the longest of lead times, but Criterion Games and EA wanted to get the racing game out there and all in the 4K quality at 60 FPS. That is at least if you are on a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X that can handle all of that. Read More...
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