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Robinson: The Journey Aims To Give Us That Childhood Wonder Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of October 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Robinson The third developer diary for Robinson: The Journey has been released and it covers the characters, companions, and curiosity Robinson aims to give us With only a few weeks until Robinson: The Journey's release on the PSVR system, November 8th, I know we all still have a few questions as to the true aim of the game here. So far Crytek has shown us that it is an exploration style game that takes place on a different planet in the future. With dinosaurs and all kinds of other prehistoric creatures. Read More...
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In Resident Evil 7 Green Herb Will Make You Immortal But Not Like The Enemies
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of October 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 Two more short videos for Resident Evil 7 have released and this time we see how Resident Evil 7 is using the herb and shooting guns The next two video clips for Resident Evil 7 have been released. This time we get to see just how those green herbs in the game work and also, for the first time, Capcom shows us just how we will be using those weapons and ammo that we've stockpiled so far. Something I was thinking we wouldn't get to see until January 24th when Resident Evil 7 finally hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Granted it wasn't a strong thought but it was something I saw could have happened here. Read More...
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Resident Evil 7 Gets Two New Teasers To Show Off Stabbing & Saving
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 The next two teaser videos for Resident Evil 7 have been released and we get to see how Resident Evil 7's game saves are being handled and the knife is back Here we go with two more teaser clips for Resident Evil 7 and this time we get to see a couple of things we knew were coming back but never in motion. That being just how Capcom is altering the save system and it looks like the combat knife is coming back in a way. All of which are part of the ten volume series that is running for Resident Evil 7 up to its final release on January 24th next year. Read More...
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Will You Answer The Call Resident Evil 7 Is Making Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of October 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 Two new videos for Resident Evil 7 have been released and both show off some new things coming to Resident Evil 7 while not too much It looks like two new teaser videos for Resident Evil 7 have released and both of them look straight forward until you start to dig into things and see what could be teased here. It seems that this is going to keep being the way for Capcom as they promote the game but that just means that the ride until January 24th is going to be a fun one; right? Sure why not and if not we can just keep distracting ourselves with these new little teasers for Resident Evil 7 until then. Read More...
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The PlayStation Experience Is Making The Rounds Again This Year With Another New Location
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of September 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
PlayStation The PlayStation Experience registration site has been updated and show dates for 2016 and a new location the PlayStation Experience too Just like last year, if you were wondering if the PlayStation Experience was coming back for another romp this year then you can rest assured as it is announced as of right now. Last year we caught wind of it all a bit earlier on but now it looks like they have been holding out a bit longer as it looks like the dates and location for this year's event have shown up on the event's website. As it all looks, the PlayStation Experience for this year will be on December 3rd and 4th at the at Anaheim Convention Center, California. Read More...
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See How The Universe Of Robinson: The Journey Was Hand Crafted
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of September 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Robinson A new developer diary for Robinson: The Journey has been released and this time we get to see how the team handcrafted Robinson: The Journey's world to give us a unique experience We've already seen some of the fun that Robinson: The Journey will be bringing us when it hits the PlayStation VR hardware but now it is time to shine some light on how some of this fun has been made. It looks like those guys over at Crytek have put together another fun little developer diary for us so we can see how the universe of this PS VR title was crafted. Not only that but we get to see a bit more of the world of Robinson: The Journey and the lush landscapes outside of the team showing off how and why things where done a certain way. Read More...
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Here Is Resident Evil 7's True Welcoming To The Family
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of September 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 The Resident Evil 7 tease for the family is over with a new trailer as well as the Resident Evil 7 demo getting an update So far all week we've had some great teases and early looks at stuff coming to Resident Evil 7. Be it the pre-order bonuses that we could be getting to Capcom teasing us with new looks at the crazed family we were introduced to in the demo of the game. Well it looks like they were truly holding out to give us all of those fun updates for Resident Evil 7 until TGS as we have a new information dump on our hands here as well as a proper introduction to the Baker family. Thankfully there was no word on the gaming being delayed and it is still set to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on January 24th. Read More...
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Resident Evil 7 Asks You To Join The Family For Dinner
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of September 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 Two more screenshots for Resident Evil 7 have been released and it looks like we get a good look at Resident Evil 7's main enemies so far Since the first announcement for Resident Evil 7 was made we've had a few good looks at what looks to be the main bad guys of the game. Well at least two of the three that we've heard or read about from Capcom or the demo directly and the videos out of Gamescom. Well as TGS is coming up and they are ready to show off more for Resident Evil 7 out there but just before all of that we have a nice little sneak peek to entice us all. At least in terms of seeing the family in their natural habitat. Read More...
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PlayStation VR Is Coming With A Plethora Of Games Out Of The Box
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of September 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
PlayStation VR The PlayStation VR bundle is coming with a demo disc and we have a list of all the games coming to PlayStation VR via this disc and download We are a month out from the PlayStation VR launching now and we've seen a lot of titles and demos for the system so far. Some coming right after the launch and some coming down the line. All in all there is a nice set of projects in the works here for the new PlayStation hardware. But with the pretty penny that the PlayStation VR unit or bundles will cost us we may not be looking to pick up a bunch of games and experiences right out the gate. Read More...
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Here's A Little Bit On How We'll Survive Resident Evil 7
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of September 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 New images show Resident Evil 7's pre-order bonuses a bit and it looks like they will make Resident Evil 7 just a bit easier to survive If you weren't sure if you were going to pre-order Resident Evil 7 just yet as you were waiting to find out what the bonuses could be then you might be in luck here. A while back there was news from Capcom that we'd be getting a few extra "episodes" for the game and some Survivor Packs to help us through the game as well as beat the hardest difficulty of the game from the very start of it all. Of course as that was still back when Resident Evil 7 had just become a thing, they were very loose on what the items in the Survivor's Pack could be. Read More...
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Watch PlayStation's Live Meeting Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of September 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
PlayStation Can't be in New York Or the PlayStation Live Meeting? We have you covered with the PlayStation Live stream straight from the source Today looks like it could be the day we've been waiting for as it comes to the new PlayStation reveals that haven't happened at any of the major conventions just yet. All of the main names of the company are taking the stage to show off a few hidden things that have only been rumored until now. Hopefully all the news around the PlayStation 4 Slim and Neo will be set to rest and/or we'll get some solid updates on the Vita and VR systems. Read More...
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Resident Evil 7 Brings Us A New Character As A Bit Of The Story Leaks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 29th of August 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 A small part of Resident Evil 7's story has leaked out due to an early ERSB rating and it looks like Resident Evil 7 will be giving us a new character to play If you are still looking to get some of the actual story of Resident Evil 7 then you are in luck today as it looks like some of it has been leaked out there. Not too much as Capcom is still keeping things well under wraps but it looks like the description of the game from the ERSB has shined a bit of light onto what is going on. Some are saying that Resident Evil 7 is a sequel in story but that is still yet to be fully determined even with these new bits. Read More...
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Resident Evil 7 Gets More 'Found Footage' & Story Details
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of August 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 7 A new gameplay video for Resident Evil 7 has been released and we get to see more on the story of Resident Evil 7 than we previously thought before Hopefully by now you've had a chance to give the Resident Evil 7 demo a run for its money and had a chance to see just how the game is going to play out. If anything you've at least seen some of the footage that Capcom has already pumped out there so far but have yet to explain any of the story. This would be the bigger reason why a lot of people don't think that Resident Evil 7 is going to be a "zombie" game still but more of a ghost story. Read More...
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See What It's Like To Wear The Cowl In Batman: Arkham VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of August 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Batman A new look at Batman: Arkham VR shows us all a bit of the gameplay as well as what it may be like to become Batman in the Arkham franchise There has been a lot of buzz around Batman: Arkham VR since it was first announced and so very few fans have been able to fully experience this PlayStation VR exclusive game/experience. Even out of SDCC it looks like only about 500 fans had a chance to give Rocksteady Games' run in the VR space a try and it has been a lot few out of E3 where Warner Bros. brought the same thing. Read More...
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Robinson: The Journey Will Take Us All On A Brand New Journey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of August 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Robinson The first developer diary for Robinson: The Journey has been released and we can see how Robinson: The Journey has been crafted for PlayStation VR from the start Maybe you've heard of Robinson: The Journey or maybe you haven't. This would be the new PlayStation VR experience that Crytek has been working on that will take us into the land of dinosaurs and hopefully let us have the best experience ever. That would be the long and short of Robinson: The Journey as there still is no release date or much in ways of gameplay mechanics but we do have a new behind the scenes video to look at to see just how the game has been crafted to give us a true experience and game at the same time. It looks and more and more like a form of Jurassic Park to me though. Read More...
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