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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of April 2008 - 05:09 PM ]
Feel the Shock Next Week! I really am not a big fan of April 1st. Like I've said before, I am a fan of a good joke, but when it comes to actually reporting something that means anything yesterday was a trial. Hence why I only found one object to post about and it was about a fake video anyway. But now back to actually reporting fun news in the gaming world. So it looks like Sony is revving up their release for the new Dual Shock 3 controller. Originally it was due out on the 15th, but it looks like it will be here a week early. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of April 2008 - 09:40 PM ]
Legend Of Zelda Movie Trailer Premiere Ok, so I could have the largest dick in the universe and report this as 100% real, but I am not. In fact, I've been trolling around to find real stuff to report on, but alas, today is the day that everyone goes above and beyond to pull a prank. For F*cks sake, some of these "Joke" ideas are good enough to be made real; like the Bard class for WoW. But no, everyone has got to have their turn at teasing the world only to kick them in the virtual nuts by saying ha-f*cking-ha. I mean, I like a joke more than the next guy, but when you go to extreme lengths like what you will see below, it is no longer a good joke but just harmful. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 05:54 PM ]
PlayStation Store Update It's not a content update, but a whole redesign of the PlayStation Store. I'm sure you've heard something about this in the last few weeks or so. But it looks like they are actually going through with it sometime in the middle of April. No solid date has been locked down for it. The only set date is that they will not be releasing any new content on the store from April 3rd on to the actual release of the re-vamp. This of course will all be made with yet another Firmware update. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 04:00 PM ]
Chimera Skull From Playstation 3 Game TV Ad Sold Don't we all wish we had $2500 dollars just to throw around? I'm calling shenanigans if you say no to that. That's right, Shenanigans have been called. But in any instance, this is an interesting thing that popped up on E-bay. Profiles In History is actually offering up the Chimera Skull used in the PS3 commercials for the Resistance TV Ad, with $2,500 being the low end price for the skull. I know, I was kind shocked when I saw it at first as well, but it seems like a legit offer and not one of those, "I'm selling a picture of..." kind of offers. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of March 2008 - 04:53 PM ]
Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 / Online Beta disc I saw this on the IGN boards and thought it would be good to pass on to the rest of Pwned. A user there had just received their Metal Gear Pre-order disc and posted all about what it comes with. I'll save you the time of describing it here and just list it below, but the main tidbit that I know people have wanted to know is about the Beta; the open beta for MGS Online to be more exact. We all know that the disk has a code and such that you will need to input to get the download, but the dates of the beta and when it will be available is new info. Apparently, you will be able to DL the Beta on the 17th of April, but you won't actually be able to do anything with it until the 21st of April. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 05:16 PM ]
Def Leppard Songs to Appear in Guitar Hero 4 So even with the new Aerosmith version of the game coming out soon, they are already talking the next iteration and what will be on Guitar Hero 4. As I'm sure you guessed by now, Def Leppard is one of the bands they are going to be placing on the next one. Or at least as the rumor states. Although, I really don't see this staying rumor too long since rumors now a days are getting debunked pretty fast or confirmed pretty fast now-a-days. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 04:56 PM ]
God of War Machinima competition ZOMGs, yes this is friggin' awesome. If only it was offered up in the States and not only in Europe. But still, it is fun as hell to play with. I'm going to have to actually make one so I can post it back for everyone to see. Now that I have wiped the drool off my chin. YES it was just drool! Here's the low down. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 03:57 PM ]
Wii Head Tracking powers new 3D game Not the most creative of titles, but, well...whatever. A long while back, before we had the Narticle section, I posted a bunch of things about the Wii and PS-Eye head tracking systems that people are working on. They were just basic tracking things that would move just some dots or basic targets on the screen depending on where your head is. The Wii had a set of glasses for this. They looked very clunky and a lot like the old VR goggles of yore. Read More...
Tags: Wii, VR, Headset,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 05:03 PM ]
GameStop's Grand Theft Auto IV Contest Could you use 10K? I know I could. I could also take a trip to NY again. You can get in on possibly getting this just by going to the GameStop site, link below, and either entering in via their web site or by texting your answer to the question they have on the site. Either will get you into the running. You can also pre-order the game if you haven't already. Read More...
Tags: GTAIV, GameStop,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 03:57 PM ]
Resident Evil 5 Famitsu Trailer Finally some new information about Resident Evil 5. Well not really information, unless you understand Japanese. But for those of you that do not, the above video shows some of the behind the scenes and making of the game. On top of all that, you can actually watch the game play on the XBox in the video. At least that's what I am making the assumption of, since he is using the XBox controller. It looks very promising after watching this. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 07:46 PM ]
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition So, once again, I'm trolling through the interwebs again and find another fun tidbit to share with my friends here. EB Games is, of course, taking Pre-orders for the new MGS game. We all knew it. But we all might not have known is what comes in the limited bundle. Well here ya go. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 in collectible metal box. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 05:30 PM ]
Hammer Comes Down On Xbox Live Cheaters We all hate cheaters don't we? We all like to have a good laugh at someone when they get busted right? Its funny cause it's not me is a great saying. Well Microsoft is giving us two awesome things then. They are cracking down on cheaters or those who tamper with their Gamerscore and Achievements. How they are cracking down is listed below, but the best part is the sample they gave of how the account will be labeled on their community pages and the in dash views. I almost cried laugh at first. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 24th of March 2008 - 06:15 PM ]
Rock Band On Wii June 22nd Before I get accused of having a hard on for Rock Band, let me say...Ok well I do. But that isn't why I've posted all the news on it. There is just so much going on with this game in general. There is something new about it every week. Sometimes it almost seems like every day. But I digest. :) But as the title and the release below state, they have set the release date for the game on the Wii. Read More...
Tags: Wii, Rock Band,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 08:34 PM ]
Boston Rock Band DLC So I like being the barer of fun news. That and I like giving you all the fun new stuff I run across. And it looks like Harmonix posted a little earlier than they usually do, the new downloads for next week. Much like the Grateful Dead pack, except it is Boston this time around. Some of the songs sound like will pretty fun on guitar. Not as brutal as Thrasher, but just another good 6 to add to the already large list of songs that are available on Rock Band. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:24 PM ]
Best Buy Is Onboard With Reimbursing For HD Ok, so 2 weeks ago I mentioned about how Circuit City is helping those who got shafted with an HD player. Click Here to read. But it looks like Best Buy is going to hook up the cut as well, and then some. I love to see how one company is trying to one up the other and us consumers can reap the benni from it. So here's the skinny. First, they are going to be sending out $50 gift cards to people who bought HD players or HD-DVD Attachments. Read More...
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