Hopefully it hasn't been too long for you to have forgotten about that cool little game on the PSN where you run around saving people from a "zombie" apocalypse in [insert big real city here]. If it has, then I say it is time for you to dust off the good ol' downloaded game and give it another looksie today. Also to keep it on the mind for at least the next month or so after taking another looksie. If you haven't even tried it, then play the demo and then most likely shell out the $10 for the full version.
Why you are probably thinking now? Is he getting part of the sales profit from this game? Is he the designer in disguise? Is he just some crazy nut that likes to pimp out PSN games? The answer is no to all but the crazy nut part there, although it would be awesome to be all three.
The reason for this is that starting today, there is an update to the game that will include trophies for the game. 15 trophies to be exact. 15 trophies to help boost that gamer level that the PSN is trying to pimp ya out on to show how much of a gamer you are. The next month thing? Well there is also scheduled DLC for the game adding on another three levels as well as another eight trophies for the game. Yet even more to get you thumbs deep in saving the world from home. Just no solid date on when that will be happening as of yet.