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More Teasing From BioWare On Suspected Shadow Realms IP
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of August 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
A new teaser for the suspected Shadow Realms IP from BioWare has been released and it is looking like it could be very interesting Last week we covered a newly teased IP from BioWare that most have been calling Shadow Realms. That's not official but it makes sense given all of the build up to the first teaser video for whatever BioWare and EA are putting together. Speaking of, the point here is that we have the latest teaser for the supposed Shadow Realms. Obviously we will carry on with the speculation fun for Shadow Realms but I think you should have a look at the latest teaser trailer that has been released. Read More...
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BioWare Is Teasing A New IP. Shadow Realms Could Be The Name
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of August 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Two new live action trailers from BioWare have popped up online and signs point to a new IP called Shadow Realms Over the last few weeks it looks like BioWare has been teasing a new IP and if all clues are correct it could be titles Shadow Realms. It makes sense as EA recently filed for a trademark for Shadow Realms back in March and the thumbnail for the first video is straight up titled ShadowRealms_Teaser_video.jpg. It seems to be one of the least guarded secrets based on all of that doesn't it? Read More...
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Media Molecule Embraces Their Mistake And Teases New PS4 IP
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of July 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Media Molecule shows off a bit of their latest IP in the form of a rendering error It's not every day that anyone embraces their mistakes as Media Molecule just has. Usually things like this get thrown aside or swept under the rug; especially something as little as a rendering error. Not here though as it looks like Media Molecule is using an error like this to kind of tease their next IP coming to the PS4. Get ready to see the horror and tedious side of game development and try to figure out what Media Molecule is going to bring us. A rendering error on our new PS4 project caused this trippy sequence of colourful nonsense that begged to be shared. Read More...
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In The Mix Of E3 We Kind Of Missed The Doom 4 Teaser Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
There was a Doom 4 teaser released during E3 but the full reveal is slated for QuakeCon. We have that teaser though If there is one thing that I hate about E3 it is that we all get so busy that things like the new Doom 4 teaser trailer falls through the cracks and doesn't get its 15 minutes of fame. I almost missed it in the mix of all the emails and social media posts. Lucky enough for all of us that I caught it and was able to place it in memory to show off after all the madness had ended. Read More...
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Deep Silver Is Teasing Sacred World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of August 2012 - 04:19 PM ]
Who wants to get teased? Well you don't get the option to decline now as Deep Silver, of Dead Island and Risen fame, are doing so until August 7th for their upcoming game Sacred World. Well at least that is the assumption that can be made based on a tweet sent out by the company and the teaser site This could be the name or it could just be one of the PR sites set up similar to nohopeleft. Read More...
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Massive Effect Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of February 2009 - 11:33 PM ]
Mass Effect 2 Teaser Good news for those of you who were fans of the game Mass Effect. Also good news for the eyes of those who were fans of Mass Effect. A new teaser trailer has just been placed out there for your viewing pleasure. It can be viewed below if you don't want to have to go out searching for said video. Especially if going to the game's web page is too much work. The only bad news about all of this is that there isn't much else to go off of from this. Read More...
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Bungie countdown is over. New Halo 3 teaser trailer is here
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 25th of September 2008 - 03:10 PM ]
The Bungie countdown has ended, and with it releases a new teaser trailer.  Set in a futuristic city, you are looking through a camera at various areas when pods drop from the sky.  When the cameras are brought back online, you see destruction and damage everywhere. Cut to "Halo 3" and after which the camera itself is hit by a pod, and the video cuts to "Prepare To Drop". According to Xbox Live Marketplace description, this appears to be a new Halo 3 Campaign Experience.  Look for more info as it is released. Read More...
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2009 Movie PWNage Or Not
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of April 2008 - 08:55 PM ]
Dragonball Teaser Poster So all you DBZ fans out there, looks like 20th Century Fox could be starting the promotions for the new live action film. As the movie poster thumb shows. Oh, let me say that the date on the side is not the release date for the film, just the date that this poster was found. Still no official word on if it is real or a fan made one based off the Japanese one that has been spread amongst the interwebs. Who knows any more in the day of photoshop where even real images look like they are photoshop fakes. Read More...
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Resist The PWNages
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of April 2008 - 04:13 PM ]
Resistance FOM 2 Teaser So if you haven't seen or heard about Resistance, one of the best Launch titles for the PS3, you need to get out more. Or at least surf the net more. It is really worth it if you have not given it a good old college go. I won't say it is the Halo of the PS3, but Resistance is a great game. And well, here's the teaser for the sequel to the game. It's not game play footage or anything, it is mainly just a "Hey Look At Me" kind of thing. Read More...
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