Over the last few weeks it looks like BioWare has been teasing a new IP and if all clues are correct it could be titles Shadow Realms. It makes sense as EA recently filed for a trademark for Shadow Realms back in March and the thumbnail for the first video is straight up titled ShadowRealms_Teaser_video.jpg. It seems to be one of the least guarded secrets based on all of that doesn't it?
That all said, what does it all mean? What kind of a game could Shadow Realms be if that is the real title? The teasers below don't offer all that much but if you think you can glean more about the supposed Shadow Realms please give them a watch and add in your two cents in the comments.
Nightmare Teaser
Spark Teaser
See what I mean? Nothing of substance to go on for Shadow Realms and the teaser site for everything is even more cryptic. You can check all of that out at www.youve-been-chosen.com. I have a feeling that we can all go over all of that with a fine toothed comb and still won't have much to go on until Gamescom in the coming weeks. At least it would make sense to get the full explanation then since the larger conventions here in the States have already come and gone.
Even if Shadow Realms TBD is not fully disclosed at Gamescom, at least we should be able to look forward to new teases like this for the next few Thursdays. That is if BioWare and EA keep up their marketing plan and that is part of it. It has been thus far is all I'm saying.