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Review: DJ Hero 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of November 2010 - 07:50 PM ]
Here we go with another rhythm game coming into the mix of things. Pun totally intended. The game this time is DJ Hero 2. The follow up and expansion on from last year's DJ Hero that let gamers hop into the world of "professional" DJing. Like every other title in the rhythm genre there are some new additions outside of the core track list. Some good, some not so good and some just kind of "What The F**k?" Let me break it all down for you and let you know if you should actually pick up a copy of DJ Hero 2. Read More...
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Splatter Kills Galore In Splatterhouse
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of November 2010 - 05:55 PM ]
Splatterhouse is going to be violent. There is no doubt to that at all. Queue the question… But how violent is it? Well if you look below, you can get a view of some of the new shots of some of the "Splatter Kills" in the game. These are some of those over the top finishing moves that Rick will be performing at your behest. These apparently are the mild ones too as some have been rumored to cause dry heaves in the developer's studio. While I am sure that Splatterhouse's special and stylized kill moves will be awesome and unique, I have doubts that they will have the same effect on us desensitized gamers. Read More...
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New L.A. Noire Trailer May Make Or Break You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of November 2010 - 09:31 PM ]
Heavy Rain was my first real endeavor into the "crime drama" genre of video games. I am talking real crime drama style here as well. After watching the below trailer for L.A. Noire, I think I might be making the jump back into a genre that has only caught my eye once. While there is not much given away, I will say that it looks to be an intense experience with some crazy events that will transpire. It is RockStar after all. Also another thing to note, just like the previously mentioned Heavy Rain, the facial and character movements seem to be pushing the envelope. Read More...
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Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of November 2010 - 10:08 PM ]
The Heavens and Earth have been divided and the darkness has taken over. Send in the holy crusaders to help purge the land of all things evil and open up the pathway to Heaven and God. In this case the crusader is Gabriel Belmont, a man out for vengeance as the dark powers killed his wife and have been destroying his homeland. Who better to take up the charge? A man with nothing personal to lose but holds the fate of the universe in his hands. Read More...
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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Is Loaded With Zombies
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 9th of November 2010 - 04:48 PM ]
So if you stayed up till midnight, or are heading to the store to pick up your copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops today you're actually getting multiple games for the price of one. If you want to avoid spoilers and find out everything on your own, go no further. The path you take here will lead to certain destruction. With the midnight release of Call of Duty: Black Ops we've already got our first look at an unlockable mini-game called Dead Ops Arcade. This overhead arcade style shooter is very reminiscent of Alien Breed. Read More...
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Play Ring Around The Necromorph In Dead Space 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of November 2010 - 10:04 PM ]
While I doubt this will be a game play mode for the upcoming Dead Space 2 multiplayer, that doesn't make the below trailer for the game any less creepy and awesome. Just about on par with the awesome "Twinkle Little Star" trailer from the first Dead Space. Which I will add, there is nothing creepier than having a three year old look at you and start singing that version at you in a cold, dark game room. Check it out. Pretty damn awesome huh? Read More...
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Evil Dead Or Splatterhouse Or Both?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of November 2010 - 09:41 PM ]
No there is no crazy Ash reference or extra skin for the game. But there are a bunch of new screen shots showing off some great Boom Stick and Chainsaw action. Something I am sure that Ash would completely be on par with if he was locked in the West Mansion looking for his girlfriend. That's not all we got here though. These are also some shots from the Survival Arenas of Splatterhouse. For the uninitiated they are an "unlockable 20 rounds of unending horror which enable players to take on ever increasing waves of grotesque monsters in a test of endurance and strength. Read More...
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Pigsy's Perfect 10 Is Not A Porn As It Sounds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of November 2010 - 06:22 PM ]
Maybe it is just me, but the title of the upcoming DLC for Enslaved: Odyssey To The West really sounds like a porn title. If you have played the game and run into the titular character for this DLC it's even more likely that you can make that jump in logic. I mean the character Pigsy is, well, a pig when it comes to the female populace. To go further into the thought on the DLC, the premise from the sounds of it is that Pigsy is tired of being lonely and wants to build his perfect fembot. At least this is the sum up from the press release and trailer. Read More...
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Splatterhouse Has A Theme Park
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of October 2010 - 09:02 PM ]
No, I'm not talking some Halloween park inspired by the game, although that would be awesome. (I just ©ed that.) Instead it is a glimpse of another location in the upcoming Splatterhouse "remake." Although I think that a different name should have been used, but hey, I guess Dandyland works. I do expect Namco to have a few "homophobic" articles to pop over this - just like Enslaved and the "racism." In the end though, that should be the last bit of news to surface for Splatterhouse. Well besides the game going Gold and locking in the November 23rd release date. Read More...
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Dragon Age 2 Rises To Power
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 29th of October 2010 - 03:51 PM ]
BioWare has just released a new trailer for Dragon Age II featuring game play, a splash of storyline and a new featured area known as Kirkwall. This latest video also comes with information on the new BioWare Signature Edition which will be released March 8th 2011. BioWare is estimating a $20 values worth of extra content pre-packaged with this edition. Check out the trailer after the jump! In order to access the limited edition you must pre-order your copy before January 11th 2011. Read More...
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Review: Rock Band 3 [Gamer Version]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of October 2010 - 08:53 PM ]
So here we go again. Another rhythm game comes to the market, only this time it is one that is truly trying to innovate the genre. I am talking in more ways than just trying to add new ways to play songs in the way of four guitars or adding challenges to earn more points and "stars." Though we already knew that Rock Band 3 was adding in a new instrument and a "Learn To Play Real Instruments" mode, it's how they went about it that changes the genre. This of course makes Rock Band 3 more than just another game. Being that there is so much going on with Rock Band 3, I've decided to break it up into two reviews. Read More...
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Review: TerRover
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 21st of October 2010 - 11:06 PM ]
Creat Studios generated a lot of buzz when it showed its downloadable title, TerRover, at E3 this summer. Then when the demo was dropped exclusively for PlayStation Plus members, excitement for the game was off the charts. Sensitive controls and dynamic game play showed the promise of a precision platformer – something the hardcore gaming community can always get behind. TerRover embraces and champions the game design concept of Trial by Death. Trial by Death is the process by which the player acquires knowledge of the game and its systems of control by forging forward without the necessary information to succeed, relying on continuous failure to derive the correct solution. Read More...
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New BioShock Infinite Screens Will Pluck You Eyes Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of October 2010 - 08:42 PM ]
Why do I have a feeling that these crows are going to play a HUGE part of BioShock Infinite? I mean we all know it looks like there will be a Plasmid based around using a murder of crows, but is there going to be more than that? There also seems to be a lack of any other bird type in any of the visuals we have been shown thus far - unless you count angels, in the form of statues, as birds. I don't. If you haven't looked down by now, then I am telling you to seize the opportunity. Read More...
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In Case You Didn't Know The Story For Scorpion...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of October 2010 - 08:36 PM ]
The devs working on the new rendition of Mortal Kombat have been nice enough to let us know all that is going on with Scorpion and why he is risking his unlife for revenge. Just in case we didn't get it from all the earlier titles, movies and every other Mortal Kombat based IP out there. It would seem so. In case you are a virgin to the Mortal Kombat story, have been hit in the head repeatedly, or both, let me recap. Scorpion blames Sub Zero for destroy himself and his entire clan. Read More...
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This Saw II Trap Looks Star Wars Inspired
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of October 2010 - 04:06 PM ]
So Saw II: Flesh And Blood hits selves next week just in time to ride all the hype from the upcoming film. Not to miss a beat, obviously Konami is going to throw some more screens out there to entice those of us that are fans of the franchise and interested in the game. Yes I am one of those said people hence why I try to keep you all up to date on what is going on here. Well it looks like in this most recent push that Jigsaw was inspired by Star Wars a bit. The old rust walls compacting in to crush the garbage that happens to be in between them. Read More...
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