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Guilty Gear 2: Overture
by Taylor Rose [ Wednesday, 23rd of July 2008 - 03:41 AM ]
Guilty Gear has always been one of my favorite series of fighter games because it greatly impairs our oh-so-beloved button mashers from pwning ass. Take Soul Calibur II for instance: when playing as Rafael, by repeatedly pushing one button, Rafael will rapidly flail his sabre, often leaving the other player no chance to retaliate. The control structure in Guilty Gear is so brilliant because rapidly pushing the punch or kick button won't get you very far: special combos are based mainly on the combination of buttons and quarter or half turns with the joystick or directional pad. It has so far proven to be a very difficult game to master - but isn't that what one looks for? Read More...
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Microsoft Opening XBL For Users To Create Own Games
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 22nd of July 2008 - 10:46 PM ]
Think you have what it takes to build your own game for Xbox Live, and can do better than what is out there now?  Well now you can, as Microsoft has announced that XNA Game Studio software will be made available to gamers who yearn to create their own video games.  Micorsoft already had a trial run of the XNA Creators Club games earlier this year which featured "Little Gamers", "Culture", "Jellycar", "The Dishwasher" and others.  MS has plans to introduce the XBox Live Community Games this holiday season to XBL Marketplace. Microsoft unveiled in their plan that you will be able to have your games added to the XBL Marketplace, for a price of 200 to 800 points, after passing a peer review, as well as take home a cut of the total revenue the game makes, which MS claims to be up to 70% in a form of a quarterly check. Read More...
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GEN - "Dude Looks Like a Lady" Cosplay Contest
by Andy [ Wednesday, 16th of July 2008 - 10:12 PM ]
GEN ( is holding a cosplay contest entitled "Dude Looks Like a Lady". We are holding our first, ever, cosplay contest here on GEN. The winner of the contest will receive the Xbox 360 edition of the new Activision game: Gutiar Hero Aerosmith. The game includes the new custom Aerosmith Guitar (wireless) and the 360 version of the software. Entering is easy!! Simply take a photo of you dressed up in your best Steven Tyler get up. Read More...
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Playing Cowboy For Your E3 Vids
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of July 2008 - 04:59 PM ]
All The Videos I Could Round Up For Ya There was a lot going on with E3 yesterday. Way more than I had a chance to keep up with. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a long list of games and other videos that cam out of the E3 show yesterday. Some of them happened during the press conferences I posted yesterday for Sony and Nintendo, but I just couldn't find ya the videos online. But what's a day late right? Wolfenstein It's short and sweet, but from the looks of it, it looks absolutely beautiful. Read More...
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What I Missed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of July 2008 - 06:05 PM ]
So due to real life BS, I missed out on reporting a few new and cool things yesterday, so I am going to hook up the cut now. Gotta thank one of my favorite sites to keep things up to date for me when that shit happens. But enough about me, here's what you really want to read about. Halo Wars: Two New Clips So due out early next year, is the new Halo RTS. I'm sure you Halo fans have already eaten all of this stuff up. But below is a very nice looking, pre-rendered, video for the game giving a bit of the story the RTS will revolve around. Read More...
Tags: E3, Videos, PS3, XBox,
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FFXIII coming to the Xbox (FINALLY)
by Andy [ Monday, 14th of July 2008 - 06:59 PM ]
After numerous reports that FFXIII would NOT be on the Xbox 360, it seems that they were all wrong. Finally Final Fantasy is coming to the Xbox 360, you may ask what this means? Well sorry Sony, it seems that your exclusive Final Fantasy franchise has come to an end. To top it all off, it will be released the same day as the PS3 version. Why I like this is because if for whatever reason the PS3 version sells out, I can at least get the Xbox version or vice versa. I also think this means that we are finally starting to see exclusives go out the window. Read More...
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Netflix comes to the Xbox 360
by Andy [ Monday, 14th of July 2008 - 06:48 PM ]
Today at E3, Microsoft has finally announced the partnership with Netflix. You may ask what this means. Well what this means is that now you will be able to stream movies from Netflix right to your TV through the Xbox 360. Now the best part about this, is that it costs you nothing if you already have a Netflix account. Why this is great? This means no more DVDs in the mail, and that also means you dont have to return the DVDs just to get your new movies. Read More...
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Collection Of Fable (II)
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of July 2008 - 04:00 PM ]
Behold, The Fable 2 Collector's Edition Did you love Fable? Did you love it enough to become a huge fan of the game? Then this seems like it would be for you. Yes, I know that sounds like one of those 3 a.m. infomercials. But hey, I had to fill in a bit more than just the basics of this report. Well, if you answered yes to the above, then You will be happy to here about the Fable II Collector's Edition. It is $80. Read More...
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Limbo of the Lost
by Nicki [ Sunday, 22nd of June 2008 - 03:04 PM ]
If you have yet to hear about Limbo of the Lost, chances are you've been living under a rock for the past month or so. This game is one of the most lulz-worthy thing I've seen in a very long time. From the horrible CGI models, to the fact that almost everything in the game has been plagiarized... it's hard not to find yourself giggling at the sheer STUPIDITY of it all. Someone put the two ending videos of this game on YouTube yesterday, so I thought I'd post them here to share with all of you.       Limbo of the Lost - Ending 1 Limbo of the Lost - Ending 2   If you are interested in reading more about LotL, visit these following Kotaku articles: Cheeky Pc Adventure Game Accused of Grand Theft Assets, LotL creators made it themselves, So what else did LotL steal from? Read More...
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Who Needs A Real Girlfriend?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of June 2008 - 08:19 PM ]
Sega Creates Robot Girlfriend Well someone had to do it. And who other than those wacky Japanese engineers. The video below is of a functional robot called E.M.A. That's Eternal Maiden Actualization. Not the best name around, but they couldn't call it Hooker Bot 3000. Specifically because it isn't that and Matt Groening owns the rights to that title. At least I would make the assumption so. "She's very lovable and though she's not a human, she can act like a real girlfriend. Read More...
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Never Cease To Amaze Me
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of June 2008 - 05:35 PM ]
Wii Balance Board Controls WoW I figured it was only a matter of time before it happened, so here it is. The Balance Board has been "hacked" to be used to control World of Warcraft movement. Yes, you read that right. Below is the video that shows it in the works. It starts out with a bit of Google Earth footage, but then they show a gnome running around the game. The movement and camera seem to be all controlled pretty well too. Now what does this mean? Read More...
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Captivate '08
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 3rd of June 2008 - 04:48 PM ]
Capcom's Gamer Day Alright, so, I wasn't able to make it to this years Capcom convention. A little upset since it took place in my home city. It was an extremely closed group of the press and 5 lucky Capcom fans that got to go in and check everything out that Capcom has coming up. I'm a little let down I didn't go, but I have the stories to share with ya. The guys at one of the best Game sites,, has all the stuff we want. Read More...
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by Stephanie Naboshek [ Tuesday, 3rd of June 2008 - 05:40 AM ]
This last weekend, I joined my fellow A-KON 19 goers in a gathering of monsterous proportions. After 3 long hours of waiting, dehydration, an upset firemarshal and plently of waiting in line, 669* of us broke the record, "MOST PEOPLE DRESSED AS VIDEOGAME CHARACTERS IN ONE GATHERING". Now although the number was only 669*, I can assure you that the total number of people qualified at the con was in the 1,000s.I was proud to be amongst the many who went through an afternoon of choas to get the job done. Congratulations to everyone out there who participated!! Read More...
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Boob Pudding
by [ Tuesday, 13th of May 2008 - 03:05 PM ]
Just when you thought those silly japanese had run out of innocent things to twist into some distorted view of sexuality... they put out boob pudding. Boobies you can eat, literally. Go on, I'll give you a few seconds for that to sink in... Here we have some pictures of the product... you even have to remove the cardboard bra from the suspiciously young looking girl before you can get to what we all know is going to happen: licking the boob. Not only is she winking, but she is also holding her boobs in her hands. Pedophilia and dessert... Read More...
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Bo Jackson Not Included In New Tecmo Bowl Game
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 3rd of May 2008 - 01:33 PM ]
While we knew when Tecmo decided to announce Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff for the DS, they couldn't use the NFL license for teams and players thanks to EA holding the exclusive rights.  But when fans petitioned for everyone's either favorite or most despised player in Tecmo Bowl history, Bo Jackson, Tecmo came out stating he will not appear in the game, nor any retired players for that matter.  Anyone who played Tecmo Super Bowl knows that Bo Jackson became the game's standout icon as he was virtually unstoppable, and everyone remembers the fights over who would play as (Does best Chris Berman Interpretation) DA RAIDAHZ!!  Sorry Bo fans, you're stuck finding an old copy of Tecmo Super Bowl to get your "Bo Knows" fix. Read More...
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