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The Cycle Is Coming To Us Soon Via The Epic Games Store
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of March 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
The Cycle The PvPvE title, The Cycle, is now coming to the Epic Games Store exclusively with an alpha session for The Cycle coming this week Another game has made its way over to the exclusive pile for the Epic Games Store, as The Cycle joins the ranks to further fire we have here. This would be the upcoming match-based shooter that YAGER dropped on us not too long ago. They also brought it along to the recent GDC to give gamers a taste of what the game will bring with it. That is at least if you have not been following along with The Cycle since it was first shown to the world or just forgot about it since. Read More...
Tags: The Cycle, YAGER, PC,
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A Longer Wait For Dead Island 2 As Deep Silver Parts With YAGER
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of July 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
It has been announced that Deep Silver will no longer be using developer YAGER to developer Dead Island 2 which means yet another larger delay for the game Update Yager's Statement We're sorry to announce the termination of our joint project with Deep Silver. As of now YAGER is no longer responsible for the development of Dead Island 2. Timo Ullmann, CEO of YAGER Group, elaborates: ”Our Yager team is fully committed to the development of AAA quality titles. We work closely with international publishers and partners and have at the same time always remained an independent development studio. Read More...
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There Is A Longer Wait For Dead Island 2 As It's Been Delayed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of April 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
Sad news as Dead Island 2 has been delayed due to unreleased reasons but to make Dead Island 2 a better game You can't tell me you are all that shocked to hear that Dead Island 2 has been delayed here. The original release schedule put it on task to be released Spring of 2015 and since that is about to come to a close and we haven't had much in the way of updates since August of last year it would seem that Deep Silver or Yager were going to make this announcement sometime soon. Sadly though that announcement is today as Dead Island 2 has been pushed back to a 2016 release instead of a 2015 release. There must be so much going on over there since it wasn't just pushed back to later this year but then again Dead Island 2 did sound like quite the undertaking before. Read More...
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What Do You Want In You Dead Island 2 Collector's Edition?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of July 2014 - 07:06 PM ]
Deep Silver and Yager Development want to know what you are looking for in a Collector's Edition for Dead Island 2 If you are into collector's editions of game then you may want to pay attention here as Dead Island 2 is slated for one and Deep Silver/Yager Development want to know what you would like to see in said edition. This isn't anything new for the company as they have done it with previous titles but it is something I wished more companies did as we are the ones paying for these expensive bundles. Do we really want to leave it up to the marketing teams to tell us what kind of cool things we want in our big bundles? Read More...
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E3 2014 Impressions: Dead Island 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Got To See Dead Island 2 In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It Ah Dead Island 2, now here is a title I can completely get behind and that was based just on the trailer that announced that the game was coming. Who doesn't like a little zombie killing action in a non-depressing yet not-over-the-top comedic way? More or less the balance between The Walking Dead and Dead Rising in terms of tone and mood. Yes, the previous titles were not all that well received but I blame that on other critics not know what is truly good for them to unwind and eviscerate. Read More...
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E3 2010 Impression: Spec Ops: The Line
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 22nd of June 2010 - 08:34 PM ]
At this year's E3 it seem like everyone and their mother had some sort of shooter that will be coming out later this holiday season or sometime in 2011. Yager Productions and 2K games is no exceptions where they showcase Spec Ops: The Line for the first time. If for some odd reason you do not know much about this game then here is a little something about the game. Spec Ops: The Line is a third-person modern military shooter where you choose your own path in the game base on tough and unimaginable choices that you have to make on the field. The field where you have to make those choices, the destroyed city of Dubai. Read More...
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