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E3 2013 Impression: The Evil Within
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of June 2013 - 05:52 PM ]
I would be lying if I said that The Evil Within wasn't the biggest reason for me to go to E3 this year. Between TEW and Murdered I could have left fulfilled early. Even though I didn't get my hands on the game, I was overly impressed with what we were shown during the closed door demo. Here's a bit more on what got my jaw to drop and people screaming in the room. If you are a fan of Resident Evil 4 then you might as well already through your money at TEW. All of the game play mechanics, camera tricks, and scenarios that made RE4 and amazing game look to be what was used as the base for this game. Read More...
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PS4 Vs. Xbox One UPDATE
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2013 - 11:51 PM ]
Microsoft has just released an update for the Xbox One on their official site. After the fan outcry about Microsoft’s aggressive DRM policies it seems like they have turned over a new leaf. To update my previous article PS4 Vs. Xbox One, here is what is changing with the Xbox One. Always on line no more Microsoft has confirmed that you will not be required to be online to play single player games. After you complete a onetime set up after the un-boxing you will never have to connect with the Xbox servers again just as with the Xbox 360. There is no 24-hour check in required to play your games. Read More...
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PS4 Vs. Xbox One
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2013 - 05:07 PM ]
With the dust settling from E3 and the promise of new systems on the horizon there is plenty to look forward to in the world of gaming. In the weeks preceding E3, Microsoft revealed more details about their upcoming system the Xbox One. Now that the console war has escalated at E3, it's time to look at all the specific details and the answers to everyone’s questions concerning used games and online connectivity. Consider this article as a “what console is right for me” reference. Does it have to be always online? Read More...
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Here Are A Few New Screenshots Of The Evil Within, But No New Info
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of June 2013 - 08:20 PM ]
Talk about being tight lipped. While most other larger titles are getting new trailers and information spewed all over the internet leading up to E3 it looks like The Evil Within is holding back. Well holding back a bit as you will see a few "new" screenshots below but nothing new to add to the overall game. This could be to try and blow everyone's minds at E3 though as TEW is one of the main titles that Bethesda is showcasing. At least that is my hopes. Read More...
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Get Up Close And Personal With The Xbox One
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of May 2013 - 11:03 PM ]
Unless you were one of the 200 or so members of the press and industry invited to the Xbox One announcement event you have had to deal with seeing the new console in static images around the net. It doesn't really let you get a good feel for how the Xbox One will look once you get it set up in your home. Since you clicked in here it is obvious that you want to get a better view and Sketchfab has you covered for that. While it doesn't put the console in your hands right now, the 3D rendering below does an amazing job letting you get a virtual feel and look at the XBone, Kinect 2, and the new controller. Read More...
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