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Review: Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of October 2010 - 04:54 PM ]
In the godly plane of rock, an epic battle rages on. A battle between the Demigod of Rock - a being of all things that are rock - and the horrid, mechanical Beast - a being of everything that apparently sucks in music. Up until now, Gene Simmons the Demigod of Rock has prevailed. That is, up until now when the Beast finally bested the Demigod and locked him away. Now it is up to the chosen eight warriors of rock to come to power and release the Demigod so he can save music from a teenie-bop-emo-crap-storm it will become. Yes, that is the shortened version of the new story mode for Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock, the recent iteration to the Guitar Hero franchise. Read More...
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Unleash The Rock Warrior Within With Guitar Hero
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of September 2010 - 08:38 PM ]
We all know by now that each of the characters in Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock have an alter ego. If you don't, consider yourself informed now or ask yourself why you clicked into this article. For those of you that have a clue, we have a new look at ALL of the characters in the new game. How they all look, from concept to in game, what all of their abilities are and a nice in game look of what it is like when they will transform to help the Demigod of Rock. This is my first time seeing Austin, Casey and Judy here in all the transforming glory and I will say I am anxious to get my hands on Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. I actually think that these three have to be my favorites in look, outside of Echo. Read More...
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The Warriors Of Rock Play List Looks Like This
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of August 2010 - 06:44 PM ]
Some people like making playlists based on what they are going to be doing. A hardcore or upbeat one for working out or funerals. A soft and romantic one for laying down their pimp/pimpess game. Even an All Rise list to get psyched for going out on the town. So what would the so called Warriors of Rock set up for them to go slay the beast and free the God of Rock? Apparently this nice little 93 track set ranging from Atreyu to Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Some of these songs don't really seem to fit the motif of the game, but surprisingly there are quite a few that do. Read More...
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Guitar Hero's Quest To Make Things Easier
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of August 2010 - 09:40 PM ]
There has always been a huge division between Rock Band and Guitar Hero. For me it was the difficulty factor for each and not completely about the sound tracks or "story" of the career mode. For a while it was Guitar Hero that was hard just to be hard and Rock Band with some form of a story mode - at least when it comes to the off shoots. That was until I started playing Guitar Hero 5 and found that the difficulty has been toned WAY down; mainly in the way of lenience on the precision of button timing. I have played so many songs on expert and have been able to hit notes I should have never been physically able to hit do to timing and finger placement. Read More...
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Guitar Hero Ready To Play Sets
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of July 2010 - 10:50 PM ]
In the past with rhythm/music when it was time to inform the masses of the track lists usually we just got a long list of songs and artists for us all to gawk at. Sometimes Gods like me would go through the list and try to add a link to the song so you knew what it sounded like. Sometimes the titles don't really go with the part of the song we all know. It was a nice little thing I liked to give our readers. Well from the below video it looks like Activision is stealing a page from my book like Naughty Bear did. Read More...
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