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Review: Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of October 2010 - 04:54 PM ]
In the godly plane of rock, an epic battle rages on. A battle between the Demigod of Rock - a being of all things that are rock - and the horrid, mechanical Beast - a being of everything that apparently sucks in music. Up until now, Gene Simmons the Demigod of Rock has prevailed. That is, up until now when the Beast finally bested the Demigod and locked him away. Now it is up to the chosen eight warriors of rock to come to power and release the Demigod so he can save music from a teenie-bop-emo-crap-storm it will become. Yes, that is the shortened version of the new story mode for Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock, the recent iteration to the Guitar Hero franchise. Read More...
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