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F*ck Your TV Guide!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 07:20 PM ]
Wii Gets A New Channel Currently the main information is out of Japan, as usual. Yes yet another thing they get before us, but what's new right? Now this is a free download onto the Wii as with the other channels it offers up. What does it do? Really it is just a TV guide on your Wii, or at least that's what they want you to believe. The truth is that it is just that with a few extra bells and whistles added ontop of it. First, You will be able to search around for your shows using the comfort of the WiiMote instead of going to the TV Guide itself or the TV Guide Channel on your Cable/Satelite provider. Read More...
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GameSpot Looking For A Few Good Men/Women
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 06:49 PM ]
GameSpot Looking For Some New Staff Members Do you like money? Do you like games? Do you like to make sure people hear your opinions on games? Now if only you could have a job doing just that. Oh wait, CNET/GameSpot is looking for just that. So if you have some amount of writing talent, or at least more than me, take a gander at these new openings. Who knows you could be the person we all go to to see if a game is worth it. Now that I have sensationalized the whole thing way out, the short and dirty of it is that they are looking to fill three spots. Read More...
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MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 06:00 AM ]
MGS4's Content to massive to fit on anything but Blu-Ray According to a few sites out there, it has been stated that there is no English track on the new Metal Gear game for the fact that it just couldn't be fit on to the Blu-Ray disk. So no subtitles or English voice track on the Japanese version. Which means that unless you can speak and read the language, you will have to wait for the game to come in your language instead of importing. Sounds bad at first, but that means that they used up the entire 50GB there has to be a really long game or a game that will blow everyone's minds. Read More...
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Opening Acts For Aerosmith
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:58 AM ]
Aerosmith's Version of Guitar Hero Ok, so this might fix the new Guitar Hero game due out in June. When they announced the next iteration of the franchise was going to be an Aerosmith version, I know I groaned at it. Not saying I hate the band, but what is fun about playing only one band's songs. But digging a bit further, they will have "Opening Acts" and "Special Guests" in the game. These will be bands that Aerosmith chose to be in the game along side them. Could make sure the game doesn't flop out. Read More...
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Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:56 AM ]
Emotiv EPOC™ Needs Beta Tester So I posted before about how Emotiv was bringing a controller onto the market that used brain waves to control the game. It was in the old news section before you start searching for it. There were a few videos of other reporters using the device to lift in game items or make them vanish. The ultimate Jedi training simulator. Well now it looks like they are ready to push forward with the whole thing and push it into closed beta. Read More...
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Left 4 Dead New Media And Preview
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 3rd of March 2008 - 06:29 AM ]
IGN has given us an awesome look at Left 4 Dead this week Left 4 Dead was the center of attention this weekend as a result of exclusive coverage from Game Trailers and a preview by IGN. The IGN preview focuses on the experience of playing as the various infected bosses - the hunter, smoker, boomer, and tank. Read More...
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Good Vs Bad You Be The Judge!
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Sunday, 24th of February 2008 - 09:19 PM ]
2008 is going to be a year for awesome game releases. Will the media spin video games in a negative view more this year? In today's world two things are true. You are getting PWNED or you give the PWNAGE. So we asked our registered users how they felt about the video game industry getting blamed for people's actions and the aftermath that ensues in some cases. Let's face it no one's blamed Frogger for jay walking. Let's not even get me started on Pitfall. Read More...
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