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A Mass Of Images
by Kevin [ Friday, 1st of May 2009 - 07:32 PM ]
After spying these over at Kotaku (and IGN for the wallpapers), I find myself getting even more excited for future information concerning the game. While the 'Death of Shepherd' has been mulled over by speculative fans, I wonder more about the supporting characters that you encountered in the first game. There is plenty of room to to explore more about the relationships between them and their history, and to visit some of their home worlds as well. You can check out the newest art here. Read More...
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Screens Of Godliness
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of February 2009 - 06:19 PM ]
More Screen Shots From God of War III With the big media event that happened recently for God of War III and the new extended trailer being launched, it would seem that Sony is ready to start the huge marketing scheme for this game. Which I will not complain about at all. Except that we will all have to wait until after this year's E3 show to get a up close and personal look at this game. They are going to be showing it off in all of it's glory there. But until then, we can all ogle Kratos and the game with the little things like the below screen shots. Read More...
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Boldly Moving Further
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 3rd of February 2009 - 09:54 PM ]
Cryptic Studios Has Some New Star Trek Screens It's been a while since I have posted on this new MMO, the Star Trek one for those who skip the header or don't get my phrasings. But any ways. I checked on their site and found some newer screens for our collective viewing pleasure. The weird thing is that they kind of look like in game art as well as concepts. Like the one with the ship bashing through a moon or planet. But take a look. Read More...
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What Lies Beyond The Edge Of Evolution?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 09:48 PM ]
New Information For Activision's Prototype I'm sure you've heard of Activision's new game Prototype. Right? Well if not, then do I have a treat for you. And it is a very tasty one at that too. Full of Blood, Violence, Infections, and well what looks like a ton of fun. I do mean A LOT of fun. More of that below, but let me give you a quick recap of this game and what I was able to scrounge up at the THX booth at CES 2009. There is a plethora of fun screen shots and video clips that I got for your viewing pleasure, but there is a bit more that you won't be able to take away from just those. Like for instance, why the hell was the only way to catch any of this at CES was to get into the THX booth? Read More...
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New Prototype screenshots leaked and with video
by Fred Buell [ Tuesday, 16th of December 2008 - 06:50 AM ]
         It seems the folks over at Kotaku have gotten their hands on some leaked screens of the new Activision game Prototype. Read More...
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Cell Phones PWN WoW Expansion
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of April 2008 - 03:28 PM ]
Wrath Of The Lich King Leaked Screens So I promised a friend on PWNed I would do a Narticle about the new WoW Expansion. I was looking for more than just some information and then I check my inbox and find these little gems. A bunch of screen shots from the Alpha test of the new expansion. They have been confirmed by the site listed below, so it should be pretty solid. Just kind of wish I knew what I was looking at when they popped up. There are no descriptions to go with them. Read More...
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