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That's One Brutal Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Trailer!
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 27th of February 2012 - 11:42 PM ]
So, I just finished watching the new "Brutal" Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City trailer and it has sparked my imagination, surprisingly. I want to know what was the most brutal, misanthropic, hellish and death splattered concrete path you've ever taken in a video game. Did you sit in front of a grunt in Halo and cackle maniacally as you emptied clip after clip of assault rifle ammo into its lifeless corpse and watch your frame rate drop hysterically due to the massive amounts of blood? Did you play Splatterhouse? That's a treat in its own right. Read More...
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Command Come In... New Operation Raccoon City Game Play Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of April 2011 - 05:27 PM ]
It is in and it makes Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City look like a load of fun. The trailer also makes all of the screen shots look like there were originally working it out for the Wii. Granted, there are a lot of pre-rendered scenes in the trailer, but if you look fast, you can see the game play mixed in. From the looks of it, it looks to take RE: Outbreak and do what was originally intended for those games. Fast action and a bit of sneaking with a sprinkle of Zombies and B. Read More...
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Finally We Get To Play As Umbrella In Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
by Andy [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2011 - 09:38 PM ]
So it would seem just like Resident Evil 4, Capcom is looking for another way to package its older titles for us all to purchase again. Only this time it is RE2 and RE3…but from the point of view of Umbrella. Now this could be a little interesting, minus the fact that you should be destined to lose from the start. Here is a teaser for the title that is slated for this winter. It's not all that much, but it does have a bit of game footage and it shows Leon being introduced again. Read More...
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