I want to know what was the most brutal, misanthropic, hellish and death splattered concrete path you've ever taken in a video game. Did you sit in front of a grunt in Halo and cackle maniacally as you emptied clip after clip of assault rifle ammo into its lifeless corpse and watch your frame rate drop hysterically due to the massive amounts of blood? Did you play Splatterhouse? That's a treat in its own right. Or were you like me when I played Dead Space for the first time and curb stomped a necromorph so much that brain matter was stuck between my toes?
Spill your guts guys. Let's hear it.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City comes out for Xbox 360 and PS3 March 20th, 2012 and on PC March 23rd, 2012. Developed by Slant Six Games and published by Capcom. Get ready to bathe in the gore.