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Paranoid Has Us Take A Nightwalk With Some New Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of November 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
Paranoid See some of the new gameplay for Paranoid as we figure out what is part of Patrick’s Paranoid Schizophrenia The release date for Paranoid is not too far off at this point and we have had some fun looks at the game before now, but it looks as if we are having one of our craziest looks at it all now. Madmind Studios has opted to give us a massive amount of gameplay to sift through just before the PC release of the game on December 15th. Gameplay that takes us all for a little night walk around the world of Paranoid we will be exploring as well as some of the gameplay features we might not have known were going to be part of it all. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 10/9/23 — 10/13/23
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of October 2023 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week So many horror video games are coming and out there for this Halloween season after we wrap up another big week here. Even if some of them, like Call Of Duty and Quantum Error are slightly outside of the scope of that comment. We do have Hundred Acre Wood and Paranoid too, but those updates were rather fitting for us all right now. The world of video games is a weird and fun thing, is it not? Read More...
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Our Neighbor Might Actually Be A Demon In Paranoid
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of October 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Paranoid The release date for Paranoid is now set as we see how things might be vastly different than we thought in Paranoid The brains over at Madmind Studios are finally back out there and ready to give us all a bit more for Paranoid. Even if we might have been off on when we thought the game was going to drop out there, we are glad to finally see that we have a release date for the game. Those excited to see what the team has for us all again can now mark down December 15th for when you will get to experience Paranoid on the PC. Sure, this would have felt more at home on Halloween but we should not rush anything just to hit the time it feels like it should launch. Read More...
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The Voices Out The Might Be Making Us More Paranoid
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of December 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Paranoid New footage for Paranoid is here to show off the game but also make us all feel a little more Paranoid in general It has been a while since we heard or saw anything from Paranoid and it feels like that might be by design. I say that as every time Madmind Studios steps up to offer up something new for the game, they come out swinging and make us all question a few things about their titles. All of which in the best of ways, as the latest we have here for Paranoid offers up some interesting visuals and maybe a little more to the overall plot of the game. Maybe, as it could also just all be in our head and what we think we are supposed to be taking away. Read More...
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Paranoid Has A Bit More Of The Gameplay To Drive You Mad
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of June 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
Paranoid Another video for Paranoid is here for us to get a feel for the room that will be our prison when we play Paranoid It is time for us to get to know the room we will be in when we spin up Paranoid after it launches. There is still no word on when that is going to be on the PC, but Madmind Studios is working hard on a few things so we will just need to wait for when that happens. Again, not the reason we are here for Paranoid as we have a new trailer to take in and get a look at what is going on in the game. All we have had in the past has been a few of the teases and a word that the game is coming. Read More...
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It Is Time To Get Paranoid With This New Title That Is Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Paranoid A new horror game, Paranoid, is announced and let loose with a bit of new gameplay to let us judge if we will be willing to Paranoid in the future Here we go with another horror title getting announced as we now have Paranoid to the ever-growing list of titles in that genre. The more interesting part is that this title is coming from Madmind Studios who has just come off of launching their most recent title, Agony, in an unrated form. It does look like they enjoy those one-word titles for their games does it not? In any instance, we now have that announcement as well as a little bit to go on for Paranoid at this point. Read More...
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