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Nier Is Teaching Us To Fear Books
by Andy [ Thursday, 15th of April 2010 - 05:26 PM ]
After watching the launch trailer for Nier, seen below, I will say that if this was all I knew of the game, I could see it as a story of Bibliophobia. That is the fear of books to the layperson. Why would this be now? Well the entire trailer shows how books have somehow gained enough power to destroy the world and attack young children. It says it right in the trailer too. "Forbidden Pages Lead Him Onto A Path Of Destruction. Read More...
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Nearly Nier Gameplay Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of March 2010 - 10:00 PM ]
When I first heard about Nier from Square-Enix, I was intrigued. I wondered at what new type of games we could expect from the Final Fantasy giant. Maybe a new franchise or something the like. Which from the below gameplay trailer, I am a bit let down on the hopes of seeing anything truly new and innovative. Then again, I could be pleasantly surprised in the not to distant future, but from the following I doubt it will change greatly before April 22nd when Nier launches. It looks like a poor mans Final Fantasy when you look at it. Read More...
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