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Our Favorite Boss Fights Ever - Part 1
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 19th of February 2013 - 08:10 PM ]
This is a collective list from the staff and readers on who, or what, their favorite boss battle in a video game is and why. It doesn't matter what genre or what boss, all that matters is if it's your favorite or not. It can be the boss that made you want to break your controller but you found yourself screaming "hallelujah" when you beat them. The boss that made your jaw drop when they hit "Phase II" or transformed into their true form. Hell, it can be the boss that just holds a special place in your heart. Read More...
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My Top 20 Favorite Video Game Tracks Of All Time
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 25th of June 2012 - 06:53 PM ]
Since we do a lot of standard news and reviews on Aggrogamer I think it's time we get a little personal. I am a huge fan of music. I love listening to it and I most certainly enjoy creating it. So here are my top 20 all time favorite themes from a video game. Enjoy. Note: the first 15 are in no specific order but the top 5 are in order of epicness. Spider-Man&Venom: Maximum Carnage - "Carnage Rules" An epic opening to one of the best Spider Man games of all time Serious Sam: The First Encounter - "Fight 5" When this song pops during an epic fire fight in Serious Sam, your adrenaline surges through your veins as you enter "The Zone" Mirror's Edge - "Kate (Puzzle)" I loved Mirror's Edge and this song was so soothing and relaxing. I still listen to it a lot. Read More...
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