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Grand Theft Auto V PC Is Getting A Video Editor Mode
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of April 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Rockstar Games in introducing the Rockstar Editor in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V at launch Just in case you were one of those people playing Grand Theft Auto V and thought "Gods I wish I could make my own cut scenes during my gameplay" then you were out of luck. In fact if you are playing Grand Theft Auto V at the time of this posting you won't be seeing that feature yet as it looks like the PC version is getting an editor mode at launch. Confused? Good. Read More...
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Grand Theft Auto V Has Never Looked This Good Before
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of April 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V on the PC running at 60fps has been released for our viewing pleasure Just when you thought you've seen the best for Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar brings you back in. This time we have a nice long look at how the game is going to look when running at the best settings on the PC version of the game. I though the PS4 and Xbox One editions of Grand Theft Auto V looked out of this world but I am starting to see why PC gaming is such a huge thing. If only it wasn't so expensive and had some of our favorite franchises available. Read More...
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Good News Grand Theft Auto V Online Heists Are Almost Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of February 2015 - 10:02 PM ]
The long awaited Online Heists mode for Grand Theft Auto V has confirmed a release date but unfortunately the PC version has been delayed just a little bit longer Fans of Grand Theft Auto V we have some good news and we have some bad news. First the bad news… Grand Theft Auto V has been delayed for the PC version of the game. If you've been holding out for that version then you are going to have to hold out just a bit longer as the new date for this version is April 14th. It is a bit longer and it sucks, Rockstar even knows it sucks, but at least you know that you will be getting the best version of Grand Theft Auto V ever. Read More...
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Grand Theft Auto V Online Is Getting Festive Without Heists
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Grand Theft Auto V Online still has no Heists but you will be able to have epic snowball fights while wearing ugly sweaters While we are still waiting for our Heists in Grand Theft Auto V Online it looks like Rockstar is at least giving us a few new things to bring us back into the game over the holidays. Today the developer announced that they are rolling out some fun updates for Grand Theft Auto V Online with a bunch of Festive Surprises. We can hope it will be a sneaking way to add in the mode we've been waiting forever to get into the online experience but as of right now it is nowhere listed among the additions and timed exclusives we will be seeing over the holidays in Grand Theft Auto V Online. Read More...
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Heists Are Still Coming To Grand Theft Auto V Online
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 16th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V Online confirms that Heists are still on the way for the online experience If you were looking to be able to play Heists online for Grand Theft Auto V you may need to wait just a bit longer. I know we've all been waiting almost a year or so but at least we have confirmation that Rockstar North is still trying to get the mode into Grand Theft Auto V Online for us all…for free. We can't really complain about something that is free can we? Well of course we can but it really is a douchey move when all is said and done. Read More...
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