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Epic Fail
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 18th of October 2011 - 08:12 PM ]
It was a sweltering summer afternoon, my friend Curt and I were sheltered by an air conditioner on full blast. Inside our sanctuary we spent countless days acquiring callouses and sores on our thumbs as we played endlessly the games of our childhood. One moment in particular stands out from the rest, after many hours and a few dozen restarts Curt and I managed to make it to the final stage of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project for the Nintendo Entertainment System. An eruption of joy and excitement exploded inside me. Too young to control the sudden burst of joy, I jumped off my bed and screamed "YEAH! Read More...
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Comic Con Day 0: Zero Is The New One
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 29th of July 2010 - 02:51 PM ]
Comic Con 2010 has come and gone. You may have been there. You may have missed out, well you would have if you had not followed my twitter updates. Now is the perennial looking back in retrospect. Like years past, they will be spread out over multiple articles. There is too much to fit in one article so it deserves proper treatment. So sit back and get ready for one long flash of what Comic Con has become. As most of you who have clicked in here know, the festivities start off with an exclusive event for the true fans that purchased their passes upwards of a year in advance - well, the fans, and media. Read More...
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Lessons Learned: Record of Agarest War
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 17th of May 2010 - 02:34 PM ]
Have you ever been excited for a game's release, and somehow found a way to ruin the game experience due to your own mistake? I guess in my case, it's more stupidity than a mistake. What I am about to recount is how I went from being in Heaven to dragging myself through Hell in a matter of 10 days. This is my story on how my attempt to review Record of Agarest War went sour and the lessons I learned. As a gamer that is very keen on the import scene, I had heard of Record of Agarest War when it was first released in Japan in late 2007. I was intrigued by the reported dating aspects, the Soul Breeding the game touted and being able to play through story through multiple generations. Read More...
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Konami Keeps The PWNing of Users Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of April 2008 - 05:11 PM ]
Metal Gear Online Woes Well first lets reiterate my total disgust with how they are running this in the first place. he multiple IDs. A patch for it being released before the game is even out there. Now, horrible server set up. They are just fucking up left and right over this whole thing. "The GAME ID or password is incorrect. Unable to log into server.(0911:00000003). Read More...
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