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Aggrocast Episode Seventy One: Free to Play
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 14th of June 2010 - 06:43 AM ]
The Aggrogamer guys discuss the various games we've been playing, to include Alpha Protocol, UFC 2010, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Prince of Persia, and more. Bargain Binh revisits a familiar universe, On The DL finds us a Persian prince, and Netflix Pix brings us a state of laughter. We finish off with a discussion on LOTRO going free to play, and another lawsuit against Sony. The AggroCast is nothing without your support. Please tweet about your love for your AggroCast crew and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune Marketplace. Read More...
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Review: Alpha Protocol
by Kevin [ Thursday, 3rd of June 2010 - 10:56 PM ]
There were few games I was looking forward to this year more than Alpha Protocol. With every new video and image released I thought the customization, character interaction and apparent polish on the title would really push it to the top of my "gotta play" list. I felt like Obsidian Entertainment wouldn't disappoint, with their history of working on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights 2. This was their time to make an original IP, and though the game was wrought with delays and false starts, here we are. So, while we're here – what exactly do we have? Read More...
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Alpha Protocol REMIX!!!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of May 2010 - 11:41 PM ]
Well now this is an interesting new way to get the word out about Alpha Protocol. Music video/remix style. I am not kidding. Also, before you think it, this is not a fan film for the game either, but something specifically produced from Sega and Obsidian for Alpha Protocol. Silly yes, but it is worth a watch. Kind of catchy if you ask me. Even though it sounds like it is just a long argument over Michael's name. Read More...
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Alpha Protocol Preorder Bonuses Revealed
by Brian Goodman [ Wednesday, 28th of April 2010 - 07:17 PM ]
So as is the trend, publisher Sega and veteran developer Obsidian are offering various pre-order bonuses for their upcoming espionage RPG Alpha Protocol. Want to go in Die Hard style with crazy assault weapons? Pre order from GameStop. Doing this will net you the exclusive Assault weapons pack that contains: Some shotgun with a fancy name (UC Regulator if you MUST know) Some Assault Rifle with a fancy name (Rittergroupen Grizzly? That's actually not that fancy) Different Ammo Types Are you more the spy than the heavy? Like sneaking around and stabbing (or shooting) dudes in the back? Read More...
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SEGA Embraces DRM For Alpha Protocol
by Brian Goodman [ Wednesday, 14th of April 2010 - 05:37 PM ]
SEGA, according to Eurogamer, has reported its intent to make use of the Uniloc DRM for its PC release of Alpha Protocol, despite past issues regarding the software. SEGA will be joining the growing group of publishers who have begun using intrusive authentication software in the name of protecting their PC releases. Since the inception of PC gaming publishers have been trying to find effective ways to balance protection against theft and unobtrusive gameplay experiences. How many people remember the funny picture wheel with older Lucas Arts games, or the frequently used “what’s the 4th word on the 9th line of page 36 of the manual” chestnut? Read More...
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Alpha Protocol May Be The Only Thing To Save Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of February 2010 - 03:31 PM ]
Now that the excitement and anticipation of Mass Effect 2 is over, it is time to make way for another action adventure type of RPG. This time without alien boobs or harvesting minerals from planets. Instead, you get to save the world from a full on war. Much like every other RPG storyline that is out there. Final Fantasy I'm looking at you. Alpha Protocol has been given the official date of June 1st for release. Read More...
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Alpha Protocol Delayed... Again
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 29th of September 2009 - 09:46 PM ]
Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, a pretty good list huh, a developer would be ecstatic to have their game listed among those games. So that's exactly what Sega did with their Action-Stealth RPG Alpha Protocol. The developer recently pushed the game back into 2010, which puts in on a list with all the aforementioned games. With all the delays this year we wonder if even Assassin's Creed 2 will make the list. While it's not known why Sega pushed the game back, we can consider that it may be something big because it is being slated with a nine month delay. Read More...
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