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EA Is Bringing A Bunch Of Titles Over To Steam As Of Now
by Cody Killebrew [ Thursday, 4th of June 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
EA More than 25 EA titles are now available on Steam as EA aims to make it more accessible for gamers to play and buy their titles where they want It looks like EA is finally making the bigger push over to Steam, as today you can head over there on your PC and pick up some titles that have yet to be on the platform as of yet. Steam and not specifically PC. Thus, allowing more PC gamers out there to pick up and enjoy the titles they may have wanted for a while now but did not want to have to put up with EA Access to do so. Read More...
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E3 2020 Has Officially Been Canceled Due To COVID-19
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of March 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
E3 Word has officially come out that E3 2020 has been canceled but there looks to be signs some of E3 will carry on before 2021 More or less, the headline there says it all as E3 has been officially canceled for 2020 due to fears over the COVID-19 virus. That would be the Coronavirus for those not looking to be all official with the naming convention. The one that currently has the world in grips of fear, and while I could go on about this topic in general, you are here for gaming news and the like. Therefore, we will stick to E3 and how this possible pandemic has caused one of the bigger shows in the industry to be canceled. Read More...
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