Video Games
A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week
We are finally getting back into some kind of form with all of these new announcements we had for all the video games out there. Hells, not even just the game but we had our first look at the PS5 just days ago and now can see what to expect. Even if there is no price point currently. Something that will matter at some point given all of the video games announced just for it. Titles like Resident Evil Village and Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Even the new VR title with Wraith: The Oblivion needs to be watched as it too can end up there if we are all so very lucky.
There was still a whole lot that we did not get this week with so many video games getting the announcement and updates this week. We are getting to them, so be sure to keep an eye out. That and we have a few new titles dropping next week that we could have a nice little review for. Only if you are all good and play your video games though. Maybe that falls on us more than you, but you get the idea. Nonetheless, we will have all of that coming to you all as soon as we can. We are still a small operation, but we are trying to work as if we are a large one.
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming!
- Haxity Is Going To Be Filled With A Lot Of Dark Synth
- Take A Trip Behind The Scenes With Marvel’s Iron Man VR
- Here Is A Look At The Dead Island 2 That Is Yet To Be
- Wraith: The Oblivion — Afterlife Will Soon Bring Ghostly VR Horrors
- Nemesis: Distress Is Revealed To Bring Another Board Game To Life
- The Last Of Us Now Has A Podcast To Help Bring In Part II
- Hardspace: Shipbreaker Is Giving Us Hundreds Of Ways To Blow Up
- Godfall Will Ask Us To Ascend With A Nice Little Eclipse
- Delve Deeper Into Silent Hill In Dead By Daylight
- A New Cinematic Trailer Is Here For Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Earthblood
- Metal: Hellsinger Will Have A Slay Hell To A Hellish Beat
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker Is Bringing A Definitive Edition To Consoles
- PlayStation 5 Is Finally Out There In The Wild For Us To Enjoy
- Resident Evil Village Has Finally Been Confirmed As A Thing
- Spider-Man: Miles Morales Is Swinging Onto PS5 This Holiday Season