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New PSP Go Promotion Gives New Owners Free Games
by 345 [ Wednesday, 2nd of June 2010 - 01:15 PM ]
A new promotion was announced on the PlayStation Blog yesterday for the PSPGo. Anyone who buys the handheld from now until March 31st, 2011 will receive three free game vouchers. The games included are: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3, and Little Big Planet. Overall this is a solid set of games, but unfortunately the SCEA bundle pales in comparison with the SCEE deal, as anyone in Europe who buys a PSPGo gets 10 free games with their purchase. This offer pretty much confirms that we won't likely be hearing about a PSP2 anytime soon, and more importantly it shows that SCEA is still doing an incredibly awful job at marketing the PSPGo in the US. This is evident as there is still no price drop in sight for the PSPGo. Read More...
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Drake And SOCOM Play The Greatest Hits
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2009 - 01:42 AM ]
Additional PS3 Greatest Hits Titles Available Now Just like in music, when something has been around for a while and you want to remind fans of the awesomeness of the old stuff, you hit it up with a greatest hits treatment. It happens all the time. It also happens in the gaming world, and this time it has happened in time for players to get a rerun of a game before the sequel flies onto shelves. This morning on the PlayStation Blog, it was announced that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and SOCOM Confrontation are the two latest titles to get this treatment. This makes it so you can snag both titles brand new for $29. Read More...
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SOCOM: Confrontation Public Beta Giveaway
by Andy [ Friday, 5th of September 2008 - 08:56 PM ]
So today is the day. If you pre-ordered from Gamestop, you should of received a little voucher card to get yourself into the public beta. In case you haven't, fret not. I have 1 extra to give away. Leave a comment below and I will randomly pick someone to receive the code. The giveaway will end Sunday, August 7th at 3PM PST. On a side note. The beta download is approx. Read More...
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