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Nintendo & American Heart Association To Get You Off The Couch
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 17th of May 2010 - 05:45 PM ]
Today Nintendo and the American Heart Association announced a partnership to get you off your couch and be active. Throwing around various statistics and knowing gamers, the two powerhouses look to empower gamers to become active, make time for exercise and enjoy getting fit. Along with the announcement comes the unveiling of a new website to inform users of how they can get involved at home using Nintendo products and across the country with AHA's Start! Heart Walks. As much as I want to be cynical and sarcastic about how this is simply a business move to sell more Wii's or how the AHA is just piggybacking on the success of Nintendo's console or how it is only a vehicle to sell the Wii Vitality Sensor, I'm going to restrain myself, be positive and optimistic. Read More...
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Fitness & Video-Games
by Amanda [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 07:14 AM ]
Let’s face it, it seems like America’s in a panic to lose weight as it infamously maintains it’s title as THEE most detrimental nation in existence; Late night infomercials, hip-hob abs, Power 90, Flirty Girl Fitness, counting calories on Big Mac boxes?! Us gamers are hardly left out in this day and age, especially with video-games becoming more and more interactive; Just ask our beloved Konami, the makers of le cult classic Dance Dance Revolution.  Wait, “D00D YOU DANCE?!” That’s probably top-secret information the majority of guys most likely don’t want to share at a frat party; your friends may assume fetal position, spewing ‘Gamer Fuel’ ( does anyone actually drink that stuff? Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of May 2008 - 04:30 PM ]
Yes this is going to be a rant. So if you don't like my views on the world, you might want to go to another news article. But this little tid bit brought me to an angry place and I needed to express my rage while giving the news. I'll give you a few moments to decide... Ok... Here we go. First let me explain a few things. When the PS3 and Wii came out, I was one of those guys sitting in line to pick up the console at launch. 76 hours of sitting in front of the local Best Buy with friends. Read More...
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Wii Fit Out Of Shape News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of May 2008 - 04:25 PM ]
Confusion, Shortages Hobble US Wii Fit Kickoff So you may have heard about the Wii Fit release party that took place in New York yesterday. If not, google it and check it out. Just a bunch of info and looked like a good time from the images. But for the most part, it also kicked off an early release for just those participants. More than just a day too. Let me explain. Read More...
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Wii Fit may be priced at $90
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 02:22 AM ]
The Wiicast web site has posted up word that Nintendo's upcoming fitness "game" Wii Fit may be priced at $90 when it is released in the US in mid-May. Read More...
Tags: Wii Fit,
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