First let me explain a few things. When the PS3 and Wii came out, I was one of those guys sitting in line to pick up the console at launch. 76 hours of sitting in front of the local Best Buy with friends. It was a great experience. Until I found out that I was one of the only people there, of 36, that actually planned on cracking open the PS3 and playing it once I got home. The rest, I actually asked all the others in line, where there to gouge the parents of kids who wanted the console for a shit ton of money. Like say a 300% profit off the machine. The guy in front of me was able to find someone to buy his place in line for 2k. That's for a 20gb launch. The guy behind me sold his for 1.5k on Ebay. Which is what this is all about.
As you will see below, there are already listings for Wii Fit, comes out today, and the Metal Gear PS3 bundle, comes out June 6th. Now I'm not opposed to people using Ebay as a store front or to sell their old crap to other people, but selling something they don't even have pisses me off. On top of that, look at the fucking prices they are asking for. Upwards of $200 for the Wii Fit. That's more than double retail. Or the MGS Bundle, $9,999. Yes 10k for a fucking PS3 that is gun metal gray and comes with the game. Fuck You people! You are part of the reason I hate the Consumerist mentality. Trying to make a quick buck because there are gamers out there that want the game or bundle, but you decided to try to make a quick buck because you fucking don't want to work for your money.
I say that we as gamers should tell these ass clowns to fuck the fuck off and let them get stuck with a game they never even wanted to play or a system they never wanted to use. This is fucking retarded and ludicrous. By paying these fucking retarded ass prices we are just giving more reason to do this in the future with a PS4 or XBox 720. I am imploring that if any of you got shafted on pre-orders for these, do not buy for this fucking retarded ass price. Wait until there is more supplied, in the case of Wii Fit, or until the douche nozzles on Ebay drop those ridiculous prices for the MGS system. Don't make it worth while for these kinds of people to do this shit. It only hurts us gamers in the end.
Screens shots and links below.
Metal Gear Solid PS3 Bundle
Wii Fit