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It's Templar Week In The Secret World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of November 2011 - 11:28 PM ]
Yea, I'll admit that sounds a lot like Shark Week on the Discovery channel, but damn it, Funcom wants to get some more info about The Secret World out to all of you. I am just trying to help them in this task. TSW does look like it can end up being one of the coolest MMO's out there. At least when it finally launches. Below you can peruse some new screen shots and concept art for the game and one of the three factions players will get to be part of. As you should have already guessed this week's faction is the Templars. Read More...
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Video Games Saved My Wedding
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 2nd of December 2010 - 09:16 PM ]
Dealing with stress is different for each person. For those of you who have dealt with planning a wedding, you know the amounts of stress the participants encounter as the "big day" draws near. For those of you who haven't experienced it, imagine having a Christmas celebration at your place, except you're expected to buy all the presents (even the ones other people are giving each other), do all the cleaning, cook the entire meal, provide entertainment, make drinks and at the end – serve pie.* During the last few weeks prior to my wedding, both my fiancée (now wife, obviously) and I were both working full time and trying to tie up last minute details – of which there were many. We were always tired and our patience was thin. Read More...
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