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Season 2 Of Nuka Break Has Exploded Onto The Webs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of October 2013 - 06:40 PM ]
Fallout Nuka Break Season 2 Is Now Live Online To Binge Watch It has almost been two years since we last got a full episode of Wayside Creations' Fallout Nuka Break. Hard to believe, I know. I was shocked to find that out, but not as shocked and excited as I was to see that all six of the new episodes have gone live and available for viewing below. If you are not familiar with the Fallout Nuka Break web series, it is a must to go back and watch or re-watch the series. If that takes up too much time then I can give you a quick break down but you have no idea the disservice you are doing to yourself by not taking the time. Read More...
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By Mennen! A New Episode Of Nuka Break Slipped Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of October 2011 - 09:48 PM ]
I've been insanely busy over the last few days, but it looks like the next chapter on Fallout: Nuka Break just hit like the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Only that unlike TWD, F:NB doesn't fully pick up where we last left off. Be it because of some shady stuff the producers and writers don't want us knowing yet or be that I missed something. In either instance, the whole story picks back up well after the group has left town. Also while Scarlet's old slaver is planning a reclamation plan elsewhere in the world. Read More...
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Did Twig Just Get His Nuka Break?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 30th of September 2011 - 08:46 PM ]
It's been two weeks again so it is time for the new episode of Fallout: Nuka Break. It is also time to see how the cliff hanger from last episode is going to work itself out. You know the one where the whole crew was ambushed in the middle of town. Crazy guy in a huge top hat? You know and if not go watch the last episode. Without giving too much away, it does look like the whole premise of the series has come to a close. Or at least the basic one. Read More...
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Nuka Break: Behind The Scenes
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 15th of September 2011 - 04:49 PM ]
Well, seeing as Hades loves himself some Fallout: Nuka Break and so do all of you, I felt it would be good to show you guys some "behind the scenes." I've been following the creators of Fallout: Nuka Break long before they made the fan film. The guy who plays Twig (Zack Finfrock) is the creator and the main guy behind Wayside Creations (the company that made the web series). Zack first started off on a now cancelled (sadly) show called "Backyard FX" where he was made the host. Zack and Wayside Creations have made dozens of helpful props and tutorials for DIY Film making. Read More...
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Fallout: Nuka Break Replaces Slave Leia With Slave Scarlett
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of September 2011 - 08:43 PM ]
So two weeks ago Fallout: Nuka Break made its debut on the internet with its first episode. In what seems to be a bi-weekly set up now (according to the annotations in the new episode), I bring you Episode 2. Yea, that whole sentence was redundant but you still read it. In this episode, the trio is continuing on to find the perfect Nuka Cola Break and stumble upon the reason for the attack in the first episode. If you've read the show notes and character bios you would know that Scarlett (our heroine) is an escaped slave. Looks like she escaped with the help of Twigg and Ben and her owner wants her back. Read More...
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Knuckle Bumps To The Gamers Behind Fallout: Nuka Break
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of August 2011 - 05:28 PM ]
So there was that abomination that occurred with Mortal Kombat's web series. I've all but given up on trying to care about any web series that are based on popular video game franchises. That is until I caught Wayside Creations' rendition of Fallout, aptly titled Fallout: Nuka Break. Before you ask, this was created by fans of Fallout for fans of Fallout. The creator's being a small independent production company. The same company that released the virally popular short film with the same title. Read More...
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