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Gotham Knights Will Have Us Assaulting A Larger Threat Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of November 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights A new update for Gotham Knights is here that will place the Gotham Knights up against Starro the Conqueror Well, it looks like things are going to take a bit of a shift here for Gotham Knights with a new content update and a bit of DLC that we can pick up right now. At least for those that have the game on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, or PC as of right now. I am sure that WB Games Montréal will make it available for anyone about the get Gotham Knights, but it only makes sense to say it is ready for those that have it. You just need to be controlled to go out and get it all right now. Read More...
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Learn Just A Bit More As To What Will Let Us Be One Of The Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of October 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights A new breakdown video for Gotham Knights has been released that takes us a little deeper into the gameplay of Gotham Knights We are on the verge of getting to actually experience Gotham Knights on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC but some out there might still need a little bit of a lesson to know what is up with the game. Beyond it being an action game that is furthering the story of Gotham after WB Games Montréal has killed him off. One would think that if you were going to be in on Gotham Knights, you would have already thrown down on it with just that little blurb. Read More...
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See The Future Of Gotham With The Latest For Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of October 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights Another launch trailer for Gotham Knights is here to give us a new cinematic look at the story for the Gotham Knights I had a feeling we were going to see more of Gotham Knights before the October 21st release after we had the launch trailer. Now we are here with another launch trailer from WB Games Montréal that gives us a feel for how the characters feel about themselves and the pep-talk they needed to get back out there. Not something that we would expect would be needed from the bat family of the Gotham Knights, but that is why we have Alfred around. Around and most likely going to be killed during our run on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Get Ready To Knock Some Heads Out There With The Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of October 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights The last push of gameplay for Gotham Knights is here just as we lead up to the official launch of Gotham Knights out there In two more weeks, we are going to be able to step into the nights of Gotham and join the Gotham Knights on their quest to keep Batman's legacy going. It still feels odd that WB Games Montréal has opted to keep him dead in this story but I am sure it will lead into something great. The gameplay for Gotham Knights has done a great job of doing just that so far along with all of the voice talent and other elements that we have had. Now, though, is the time to see the last big push for the game before it hits the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on October 21st. Read More...
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Gotham Knights Will Have Some Extra Features When Playing On The PC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of September 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights A PC trailer for Gotham Knights is here to show off the few new features that Gotham Knights will have when playing on this platform As things keep progressing toward the October 21st release date for Gotham Knights we can keep expecting a little more to show off why we need to get excited for it. That and help us all figure out which platform we will be looking to get the game on. Sure, WB Games Montréal made the choice to go with all of the current systems to make sure we get to see the best version ever. Read More...
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There Is More To Know About The Bat-Family In Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of September 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights A new behind the scenes video for Gotham Knights is here to show off how each of the Gotham Knights was designed for us There have been some good breakdowns of each of the Bat Family for Gotham Knights out there, but it is time to go a little more behind-the-scenes with the crew we will get to experience. Some of it is a little more of what we have had from WB Games Montréal before now, but there is also a little more on the subtle things mixed in too. Things we might not fully understand at first look but it is good to know here for Gotham Knights. Read More...
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The Villains Are Out In Force Just Before The Launch Of Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of August 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights New villains are here for Gotham Knights as we get ready for the new launch date we have to share for Gotham Knights We have had a few teases for Gotham Knights when it comes to the villains so far. We all knew Mr. Freeze and the Court of Owls were going to play a larger role in the game and give all of our heroes a bit of a headache. Now, out of Gamescom, WB Games Montréal has offered up a couple more villains from the long list that will be showing up to give the Gotham Knights a run for their money. We are talking about Harley Quinn and Clayface here. Read More...
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Red Hood Is Shooting His Way Into Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of August 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights The latest member for Gotham Knights is here to show off how you can use guns to save the day in Gotham Knights The fourth and final member of the Gotham Knights is here with a new showcasing of Red Hood in the game. He is definitely the more aggressive of the group with his hand-to-hand styles and guns, but WB Games Montréal is set up to make it all work. That and to make Gotham Knights all forms of exciting for us as October 25th is coming up on us all with a quickness. Just to give us all something more to dive into on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Batgirl Is Taking The Stage On The Streets For Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of July 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights Batgirl was out in full force for Gotham Knights out at SDCC and we get a bit more of the gameplay to enjoy for Gotham Knights Obviously, out at SDCC this year, we had all kinds of heroes running around and so much news flooding into us for all forms of fandom. Gotham Knights was teased before and we had a massive drop out there with WB Games Montréal offering up a solid look at Batgirl in the mix of the game before October 25th when it hits the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Batgirl is not anything we did not know was coming, but now we have the showing of how she will be out there doing what Batman used to do. All along the way to earn her place in the Gotham Knights and become one of the saviors of Gotham and how she will make sure the legacy carries on after Knighthood. Read More...
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Robin Has What It Takes Now In The Upcoming Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of June 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights Robin is finally on the case in Gotham Knights to show off how he will fight and move around in the world of Gotham Knights The next big update for Gotham Knights is here with Robin jumping onto the scene to help out and show off a bit on how he will save days in the game. We have seen Nightwing from WB Games Montréal here for the game and how he will feel different from the others, so it is only fitting we go to Tim Drake now. Just to be certain we know for each character will have a different look, fighting style, and way to traverse Gotham once again. All to make sure that each of the Gotham Knights does not feel like a clone of each other with a new skin slapped on it. Read More...
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Nightwing Is Back In Action Here For Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of June 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights New footage for one of the Gotham Knights is out there to get us ready to take on the role of Nightwing when Gotham Knights launches There is the superhero kick coming in with all of the new games announced and updated, and here we have more for Gotham Knights. The first of four, we assume, with WB Games Montréal giving us all a bit more of a taste of Nightwing in the game. Sure, we have had a bit of this before, but this one is more of a character showcase to show us not only his moves but other skins he will have in Gotham Knights. Given that we will be able to customize the look and feel during the game, this makes perfect sense. Read More...
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Gotham Knights Takes Red Hood & Nightwing Out For A Demo Run
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of May 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights Gameplay for Gotham Knights dives further into more of the finer details out there we will experience in Gotham Knights After all of the delays and pushes, we finally have some true and solid gameplay for Gotham Knights to take in. Gameplay that has WB Games Montréal showing us all how Nightwing and Red Hood will function in the game and various other aspects we will need to employ in the mix too. Things like traversal and character progression in the mix of things that we will need to handle out there. The Gotham Knights will need to put all of it to the test out there against the Court of Owls and various other villains out there. Read More...
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Gotham Knights Is Now Releasing This Coming October
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of March 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights The new release date for Gotham Knights is set down with us seeing Gotham Knights before the end of October Here we go fresh off the current Batman hype with the new release date for Gotham Knights now. Thankfully, that delay we had from WB Games Montréal from before was not too long and the Bat Family will be hitting the streets by Halloween now. We can all expect to see Gotham Knights hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on October 25th now. It is a bit past the first timeline we had but now we are getting things written in stone. Read More...
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The Court Of Owls Are Out In The Night For The Gotham Knights
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of October 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights The story for Gotham Knights is detailed a bit more with the Gotham Knights facing off with the Court of Owls during the game Things are getting back on track for Gotham Knights, as we just had a massive drop of information during the DC Fandome over the weekend. Specifically in the terms of the true villains in the game that WB Games Montréal is going to have for us in 2022. It looks like the Court of Owls will be the ones pulling all of the strings in the world of Gotham Knights and since Batman is dead here, it looks like they might have been running a bit more unchecked out there. That is why we have the team of the four that we do have here aiming to take them down and save the very souls and populace of Gotham out there. Read More...
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Gotham Knights Has Been Hit With A Delay Until Next Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of March 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Gotham Knights A delay has hit Gotham Knights and now it looks like we are going to have to wait a year longer for Gotham Knights You most likely figured it out by now, but it does look as if Gotham Knights will no longer be heading out to us this year. Yes, we have a new delay and it looks like WB Games Montréal needed to make the call to push it out until 2022. When in 2022 is still up for debate but that is when we should start looking to see Gotham Knights hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Maybe this will all be for the best and give us a few more things to keep us all going into the future. Read More...
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