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Final Fantasy X Wants In On The Valentine's Love Too
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of February 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
New trailer for Final Fantasy X/X2 showing off the love story just in time for the holiday of love; Valentine's Day. Not to be left out of the Valentine's Day love, the HD versions of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 coming to the Vita on March 18th have also unleashed a trailer showcasing the love story in the game. You know, as a way to try and fool your loved one who might not like the franchise into thinking it is for all and the holiday. I guess… But that is assuming you have a partner who is into all the mushy gushy and doesn't like Final Fantasy. Read More...
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Happy Valentine's Day From Borderlands 2!
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 10th of February 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
With Valentine's day fast approaching love is in the air and what better way to spend Valentine's day as a gamer couple then playing some co-op in the loot fest that is Borderlands 2? Well, the new DLC pack will please all. The fourth Headhunters pack, Mad Moxxi And The Wedding Day Massacre, is centered on a marriage between the Hodunk and Zaford families from Borderlands 2. The main theme this go around is love. With the main quest line consisting of finding ingredients to make a love potion for Moxxi. Read More...
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A Couple That Portals Together Stays Together
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of February 2011 - 11:59 PM ]
What better way to celebrate VD* than to have a fun little advertisement for Portal 2? I learned quite a few things from this little clip for Valentine's Day as well. Like that 54% of women are allergic to chocolate, flowers are filled with bees and that four out of five people are crushed to death by giant diamonds every day. That is insane and I never knew. All kidding aside, once again Valve shows their great sense of humor whilst celebrating a holiday that is just another excuse to have a holiday. Read More...
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G33k L0v3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of February 2009 - 05:20 PM ]
Gamer Valentines For The Season Sometimes us gamers are not the best at expressing the way we feel to those we stalk love. We can't all be Casanova. But we do luck out when Singles Awareness Day rolls around when someone else goes out of there way to hook us up with some great way to let that special prey one know. In fact, if you look below, I've complicated a small group of some game inspired cards that you can send while sitting outside of their home in your car thinking of that special person. The best ones I found are from Left 4 Dead and Starcraft II. Read More...
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