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SERUM Prepares Us To Inject Some New Life Into Ourselves For The Early Access
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of May 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
SERUM A new cinematic trailer for SERUM offers up a look at some of the world we will explore when SERUM opens up The launch of SERUM into Early Access is not far off with May 23rd coming up faster than most think. We have covered that whole aspect of what Game Island is bringing for the game on the PC a few times already. Just before the launch of the Early Access, though, it looks as if we have a little bit more to the world-building and story that we will have in SERUM now. More than just surviving the twisted world out there and injecting another green glowing goop into our bodies to do so. Read More...
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SERUM Is Letting Us All Experience The First Symptoms Of The Infection
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of April 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
SERUM A playtest for SERUM has kicked off and you can join in to see just what is on the way with SERUM when it fully launches It feels like SERUM kind of fell off the radar there for a while, but it looks like that was all for a good reason. A good reason outside of Game Island plugging away at the work for the game to get it to us as soon as possible. A good reason being that Toplitz Productions is giving us all a bit of a taste of what SERUM is going to bring to the world. All through the way of a playtest that is now available for those who want to give the game a go on the PC. Read More...
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SERUM Has Quite A Few Reasons For Why We Should All Be Looking To Play The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of February 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
SERUM Those looking for reasons to play SERUM will have just that as the demo for SERUM is out there with five reasons why you should play It has been a little bit since we heard about SERUM, so it is high time that we had something new to share for the game. Not just in terms of gameplay but maybe for some of the reasons why we should all be looking to give what Game Island has been working on a solid try. Something you can do right now with the PC demo that Toplitz Productions has out there for SERUM as you are reading these words. If you need more reasons to give the game a go, though, then get ready to kick back and see why we should all be going into this new dark place sometime in Q2 of 2024 here. Read More...
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Discover New Gameplay Out There For The Upcoming Title Unawake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of October 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Unawake New gameplay for Unawake is out there to show off how Unawake is shaping up in its current alpha state of things A good while ago, we had the announcement of the title Unawake and it gave us an interesting look at a new title. A lot of time has passed and it looks as if RealityArts Studio and Toplitz Productions did not stop hammering away on the game. It may have been a little silent, but here we are now with some gameplay to look at for the game. It is a bit on the alpha side of it all, but something to keep us all going for Unawake until it launches on the PC in 2024. Read More...
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Life In In Our Hands With New Gameplay Out There For SERUM
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of June 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
SERUM Get deeper into the gameplay for SERUM with the latest dive we have been given that shows just what the SERUM can do out there Those that have been waiting for more gameplay to hit for SERUM cannot sit back and sit pretty with a new overview that we have to take in. Game Island is out there offering up not only a new look at the game, but various other mechanical elements that we will have to play with in the mix. That and all during the special event that Toplitz Productions is here to put on for it all. The PC will soon have us all out there surviving and crafting with the best of them if this is anything worth writing home about. Read More...
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Unawake Will Be Walking Us Into A New Dystopian Apocalypse
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of August 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Unawake A new apocalypse game, Unawake, is announced with Unawake offering up some new story-based progression The trend of apocalypses and dystopian futures is carrying on with our next big announcement we have for Unawake. It is another action title that will use the power of UE5 to give us some amazing visuals to run around in with Toplitz Productions offering up a massive story to us all in the mix too. That is the promise of it all that we have with this announcement, at the very least. Not a knock on Unawake, but it does feel like we might need a bit more to make this PC title stand out a bit more given the state of the world and industry. Read More...
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You Will Soon Be Able To Survive Another Would With A New SERUM
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 1st of August 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
SERUM Another survival title, SERUM, is on the way with SERUM taking on some amazing features from some massive games If you enjoyed titles like The Forest and BioShock and thought they would work well if mixed together, then you will be amped up to see the announcement for SERUM. This is the latest title to come from Game Island and Toplitz Productions coming to the PC in 2023. That is still quite a ways out, but that gives us all the perfect amount of time to get ready for SERUM to suck us in and drive home more of the horror our video games can hold for us. As long as it is all done well and not just slapping two IP's ideas together and hoping it will all work. Read More...
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