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Survivor Mode Explained For Alien Isolation
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of September 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
The latest 'developer diary' of sorts for Alien Isolation explains what Survivor Mode is for the game In the past weeks we've been treated with fun looks at how NOT to play Alien Isolation trough Sega and Creative Assembly's 'How Will You Survive' campaign. We've seen why going guns-a-blazing is a bad idea, why we shouldn't hide in air vents, and also just running from the problem will not help you survive Alien Isolation. It turns out that these are not just clever little videos to help promote the game but they could also be mixed into the Survivor Mode that has been seen at conventions since E3 this year. Okay, that may all be a bit of a stretch to try and link everything here back into this Alien Isolation topic but hear me out. Read More...
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