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Shadows Of The Damned Prove Women Are Crazy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of March 2011 - 06:43 PM ]
Ok, well it is not just women. It really is all humans but from what is being shown in this new trailer for Shadows Of The Damned that came out at GDC from Grasshopper Manufacture. Granted the trailer is just a bit of story for the game and not a commentary on their feelings toward the fairer gender. Although I do like to read more into things than most people would really want. It's something I'm good at. Read More...
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New Shadows Of The Damned Visuals
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of February 2011 - 10:38 PM ]
Since being announced during 2010's Tokyo Game Show, Shadows Of The Damned has not had all that much going on in the way of news. Maybe because of the 2011 release year being upon us it is time to show a bit more on the Survival Horror that look like it has gone a long way away from that genre. It still has the same looks about it for a SH but the game play that has been shown for the game definitely doesn't seem to go along those lines. I am digging the creatures we get to see though. Like the blood golem looking thing and the demon without skin. Read More...
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