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The Love Child Of Square Enix & Pop Cap Games
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 24th of September 2009 - 09:12 PM ]
At TGS Square Enix announced today, their new Puzzle/RPG named Gyromancer. It's basically a highly addictive Bejewled PopCap game with the RPG fantasy twist from the best in the business. Gyromancer will be available for XBox 360 as well as Steam. Both PopCap and Square Enix have collaborated before, in Japanese games, but this is more of a creative avenue for both teams. Gamers will play a Sorcerer of the Godseye, named Rivel, and traverse through ten different stages, collecting powerful beasts to summon throughout the adventure. Pokemon? Read More...
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Couple Engaged Through LPB - Exclusive interview.
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Friday, 17th of October 2008 - 02:41 AM ]
If you've been looking up Little Big Planet videos on Youtube the last few days, then odds are you might have spotted one titled Little Big Planet: Love and Marriage (Engagement Proposal). If not, then I suggest you look it up! Jed Whitaker and Andrea Wilson (soon to be Whitaker) got engaged this last Friday while playing LBP. Jed built the level, Love and Marriage, and had his girlfriend (now finance) play through it while he got the whole thing on video, resulting in a new Youtube favorite.I recently got the chance to interview Jed and Andrea and ask them about the experience. Read More...
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Now That's A Proposition
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of March 2008 - 05:03 PM ]
Romantic Hacks The DS To Pop The Big Question Now here's something positive coming out with all the negative press the gaming community gets. And Gods know we need it. But in any instance, a man decided to find another unique way of popping the question to his betrothed. He hacked into the DS and created a version of Bejeweled and sent it to his love. She opened it, and start playing the game only to find that after racking up a certain score, the screen shifted and a grouping of blocks in the shape of a ring dropped onto the screen. That's when he actually asked the big question. Read More...
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