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Mortal Kombat X Gets Inflated With Mortal Kombat XL In March
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of January 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Mortal Kombat XL Mortal Kombat XL has just been announced for March and Mortal Kombat XL will house everything that has been released for the game to date for the PS4 and Xbox One If you have been holding out on Mortal Kombat X for the consoles then it looks like you are going to be rewarded with Mortal Kombat XL. Yes, NetherRealm Studios has another version of their latest game coming out and this one houses everything to date for MKX in one location. Mortal Kombat XL is hitting on March 1st in the US and March 4th in Europe. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat X's Online Mode Is Getting Some Enhancements
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of January 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Mortal Kombat X A beta for Mortal Kombat X's online mode's enhancements has been announced and players can join to help make Mortal Kombat X the best game that it can be If you are into helping developers make games better then here is your chance to help Mortal Kombat X's online mode to get some new and great improvements. In fact NetherRealm Studios is looking for PS4 and Xbox One players of Mortal Kombat X to help beta test the new enhancements to their online gameplay. In this case it looks like it will be in terms of 1v1 multiplayer matches for Mortal Kombat X but I am guessing it will branch out into all of the online modes for the game currently and most likely new ones yet to be announced. Read More...
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Look At The New Mortal Kombat X Characters In Action For KP2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of January 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
Mortal Kombat X A new gameplay trailer for Mortal Kombat X's Kombat Pack 2 has been released to show off a bit on all of the new Mortal Kombat X characters coming in this upcoming DLC The tease and reveal for Mortal Kombat X's Kombat Pack 2 characters has come and gone a while ago. Thankfully the time gap hasn't been too great before NetherRealm Studios gave a nice look at each of the new Mortal Kombat X characters in action. Granted it isn't anything like we have seen in previous Kombat Kasts from the past but it is a nice showing of what we can expect in Mortal Kombat X from Alien, Leatherface, Triborg, and Bo’ Rai Cho when the DLC lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC sometime this year. Not to keep you any longer from the footage for Mortal Kombat X's new characters though. Read More...
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Four New Fighters Joining The Mix With Mortal Kombat X's Kombat Pack 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of December 2015 - 06:00 PM ]
Mortal Kombat X The Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2 has been officially shown off and now we have a look at the new fighters joining Mortal Kombat X with the likes of Leatherface and Alien The four characters making their way into Mortal Kombat X via the Kombat Pack 2 DLC have been announced and they are pretty amazing. It was teased by NetherRealm Studios that we would get to see "who's next" for Mortal Kombat X during The Game Awards last night and while we didn't get to see it during the show proper the new trailer showing off the new fighters was released. Now we get to look forward to Leatherface, a Xenomorph, Bo Rai Cho, and Tri-Borg for Mortal Kombat X sometime in 2016 on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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New DLC Characters On The For Mortal Kombat X In 2016
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of September 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
It has been announced, officially, that there will be another set of characters coming to Mortal Kombat X but it looks like we will have to wait until 2016 for them You would be lying to yourself if you though that the first Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat X was going to be the end of the new characters joining the roster of the game. Even the last Mortal Kombat title before this one had multiple new characters added over time by NetherRealm Studios and that was when DLC wasn't as easy to add in as it is on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC now. Okay, it most likely was but this is Mortal Kombat X and one of the largest titles the studio has put out to date. Read More...
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