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See A Heist Get Pulled Off Within Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of May 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Hood More gameplay for Hood: Outlaws & Legends offers up a solid look at how a heist could go down within Hood during the coming release This week, some out there will be able to dive into Hood: Outlaws & Legends if you are opting to get into the game a bit earlier out there. It has been a bit of a ride to get to where we are going to be here this week but I know I am fully ready to get in and rob the sheriff out there. Even if some of it is a weird deviation from the normal Robin Hood tropes and stories. It has all weirdly been working for me and I am excited to see what Sumo Digital has when it is fully ready to go. Read More...
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New Things Are Already Planned Post-Launch For Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of April 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Hood The post-launch content for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is revealed with new maps and a new Outlaw joining the crew of Robin Hood and others May 10th is not too far off and we will see the base game for Hood: Outlaws & Legends out there on all the systems for us to enjoy. That, of course, means that it is time to start the announcements for the post-launch content and why you should be throwing down for the Season Pass for the game here. Something that Sumo Newcastle has already planned out over the coming year after the full release of Hood. It will keep some of us locked in to keep the heists going, a bit longer, and hooked on the game. Read More...
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Let Us Assemble, Infiltrate, Battle, & Extract In Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of April 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Hood A new gameplay breakdown for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is out there to show off how the matches of Hood should all play out The characters are out there and we have seen a bit of gameplay for Hood: Outlaws & Legends, now we get to see just how the matches will be fully going down when the game launches on May 10th. Here we go with a full gameplay breakdown for the title that shows off how some of the matches will play out there. That and how we will need to get our perfect team together to not only pull off the greatest heist that Robin Hood has ever pulled. Read More...
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The Mystic Is Bringing A Little Inquisition To Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of March 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Hood The fourth character for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is out there with the Mystic bringing some of the religion into Hood in general Things are getting a little more magical in Hood: Outlaws & Legends with the showing of the final character class we will have to play in the game. Well, magical is a bit of a misnomer as it does look like Sumo Newcastle is still trying to keep things a bit more grounded and the Mystic is using more of the natural things to explain some of the magic out there. All of which by inhaling incense or tossing out an inhaled poison to mess with all of the minds out there in the matches. Not exactly what I was expecting in Hood but it is a great twist to have here and see play out with this version of Tooke in the universe. Read More...
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The Brawler Is Here To Wreck Things In Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of March 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Hood The next character for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is here with the Brawler and another classic from the Robin Hood mythology It was easy to assume that this was going to be Lil' John here for Hood: Outlaws & Legends as the Brawler class and now we have a solid showing that is going to be the case. That is all based on the latest character showcase that we have here from Sumo Newcastle to give us the third class of fighters. One, that as the name implies, is all about brute force and melee combat in Hood while everyone else is out there doing the more subtle aspects of the matches. Read More...
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The Hunter Is Out There For Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of March 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Hood The next class for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is the hunter and this is the one that seems to have Hood crossover into other games we have loved The Hunter is out there now for Hood: Outlaws & Legends as the second class in the game is given the breakdown and gameplay to offer up. Last week we had the Ranger that was lined to Robin and now it looks like Sumo Newcastle is linking the Hunter to Marianne. That and a class that feels like it is bringing an assassin style class into Hood. Almost to the point that it feels like it is a bit of a crossover with the other major title out there that uses assassins. Read More...
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The Ranger Is Front And Center For Hood: Outlaws & Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of March 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Hood The first character class for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is here and it is the tradition Robin Hood class for it all It is always good to see when games based on lore, as Hood: Outlaws & Legends is, try to stick closer to the source in general. Given that this is going to be a multiplayer heist game, it makes sense from the start, but also when you look at the various character classes Sumo Newcastle is offering up there will be some expectation. This is where the latest video series for the game comes in to give us a look at the classes with the first being the Ranger. A class that is that of Robin Hood in the game. Read More...
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Hood: Outlaws & Legends Is Sneaking Its Way Out This Coming May
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of December 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Hood The release date for Hood: Outlaws & Legends is now set down with pre-order allowing early access to Hood a few days early There is now a date set for when we can expect to head into the world of Hood: Outlaws & Legends to try to be the best thief team as possible. That date set down as May 10th for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC from Sumo Newcastle. A little bit of a wait for us to go through, sure, but it is something to look forward to if you have been pining for a game in this vein. Not to mention a new way to look at the Robin Hood lore that we have seen in various other forms over the years. Read More...
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Hood: Outlaws & Legends Offers Up A Look At The Team
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of December 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Hood New videos for Hood: Outlaws & Legends are here to give us a look into the characters we will get to play as when Hood releases If you thought that Hood: Outlaws & Legends seemed to get that announcement and then kind of fade into the darkness, you would be right. At least as it goes in the grand scheme of things as Sumo Newcastle has been working on it but there just has not been anything major to show it all off. That looks to change next week during The Game Awards, as it looks like there will be something major for Hood: Outlaws & Legends that happens during the event. If you do not want to wait until then, we might have you covered too. Read More...
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