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Discover A Bit Of Life’s True Purpose With The Launch Of INDIKA
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of May 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
INDIKA The launch of INDIKA is finally here and we can see just what INDIKA’s true life’s purpose is going to be The day is finally here and we can take some of those final vows with INDIKA on the PC with those looking to do the same on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S still needing to wait just a little longer. Those looking to explore what Odd Meter has been building towards with all of the weird videos that 11 Bit Studios has been dropping out there, then today is that day to head back to the 20th-century Russian era and join Indika on this journey. One that we are finding out now will be much more than a walking simulation or a nun simulation game. Read More...
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Unravel The Threads Of Existence Coming Soon In INDIKA
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of April 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
INDIKA New footage for INDIKA has been brought to light to show off the dichotomy coming with the launch of INDIKA The arthouse and narrative nun simulation, INDIKA, is almost here with May 2nd just around the corner. That is for the PC release with the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S one still yet to be set by 11 Bit Studios. Even with the extra month of waiting, though, Odd Meter is ready for us all to experience the story and see how things are going to be fair and unfair in INDIKA. That or something along the lines of having choices that can drastically alter the game's events. Read More...
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INDIKA Will Have Us Taking Our Final Vows This May
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of March 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
INDIKA The release date for INDIKA is set with early May being when we can start to pray with INDIKA We did not have to wait long since we had the gameplay for INDIKA that we now have a release date for the game. Something that was assumed to be a bit more of a wait, but it looks like Odd Meter is wrapping things up and 11 Bit Studios is getting it all ready to head on out into the wild. Now, we have a release date for the game and when we can dive into the Christian Mythology that INDIKA is going to offer. An offering up that will take place on May 8th for those who want to take the vow on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC that this nun is going to give us in the weird simulation of a game. Read More...
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Ask And You Shall Be Deceived With The Latest Gameplay For INDIKA
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of February 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
INDIKA INDIKA has some new gameplay to look at as well as a demo for those who want to give INDIKA a try right now Video games are great and let us all play out different walks of life, and with INDIKA we are going to be getting one that many might not have thought about going down. This would be the next title coming out to us from Odd Meter and 11 Bit Studios for the PC later this year. A title that looks to give us all some adventure, interesting gameplay, and a life in a monastery as a nun. A life that INDIKA also shows to be a little darker than one would think along with something even darker lurking behind it all. Read More...
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