New footage for INDIKA has been brought to light to show off the dichotomy coming with the launch of INDIKA
The arthouse and narrative nun simulation, INDIKA, is almost here with May 2nd just around the corner. That is for the PC release with the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S one still yet to be set by 11 Bit Studios. Even with the extra month of waiting, though, Odd Meter is ready for us all to experience the story and see how things are going to be fair and unfair in INDIKA. That or something along the lines of having choices that can drastically alter the game's events. Our character in the game is struggling with the voice of the Devil in their head and it seems trying to stay on the side of light is going to be a thing. A thing that may see certain scenes play out differently. This is not something that was fully highlighted before, which means we need to take a deeper look and see just how this gameplay will flow. That is why we have a new video to share.
Obviously, INDIKA is not the first game to ever try this kind of mechanism before. As it all looks, though, we might be able to see our protagonist's faith waver and give in to the voice in their head. Doing so looks like it will not only alter the way the world looks but also how some of the characters interact down the line too. All while we watch as the devil either takes further control of Indika in the world or we are able to help fight off that influence. Potentially leading us all to different narrative tracks along the way. Unless this video we have below is closer to the game and we will just see it all play out side by side. I highly doubt that will be the case, but I thought it fun to mention as that is how it is presented below. Have a look and see how our choices in the game will shift things and let the evil take over or not. Knowing how gamers usually are, there will be a whole lot of letting the Devil win out there…
INDIKA — Fair/Unfair
Amidst mounting curiosity surrounding INDIKA — a narrative-driven, arthouse adventure game centered on a nun grappling with the voice of the devil within her — publisher, 11 Bit Studios, and developer, Odd Meter, deepen the game’s existential essence with the release of the latest trailer. Scheduled for launch in May on PC and consoles, INDIKA delves into themes of self-discovery and what we, as humans, do when we have an internal clash of our beliefs.
Embarking on a quest to deliver a significant letter, Indika finds herself compelled to confront the very foundations of her faith. Was her devotion to a cause greater than herself a voluntary sacrifice? This deliberate imbalance not only shapes her narrative but also influences the lives of those around her. Indeed, the inherent unfairness of life itself prompts reflection — isn’t that a truth we can all acknowledge?
Drawing inspiration from cinematic auteurs such as Lanthimos, Aster, and Aronofsky, as well as literary luminaries Bulgakov, Dostoevsky, and Gogol, INDIKA intertwines its storyline with a tapestry of disorienting threads and philosophical debates among its characters. Meticulous attention to detail in architectural styles and religious heritage authentically captures the atmosphere of the God-fearing times the game is set in, inviting players to contemplate its profound themes rather than seeking mere diversion.
At its core, INDIKA is a third-person adventure game combining exploration, environmental puzzles, and platforming. It is set to launch on May 2nd for PC, and later that month on consoles (PS5, XSX|S).
A portion of the revenue generated from INDIKA will be donated to aid children affected by the war in Ukraine.
I've always liked having a morality system of sorts in my video game and am interested to see how it truly functions in INDIKA. Especially if it will alter the world as it looks like it is doing in this trailer. Granted, that could just be how this was all shot to help hype up the game, but the system is in there and it sounds like it will do more than have a white or red line on the side to indicate where we stand with things. It would be fun to see more of the weird things the more Indika resists, as a sign that the Devil is trying harder to sway to the side of evil. Kind of like a highlight reel of what could be instead of showing a twisted world the further we go down a darker path in the game. We will certainly all know for the better next week when the game lands out there, that is for sure. I am excited to see how it plays out here and how many others will take this story to twist it along the way too.
How do you feel about what we are getting in INDIKA in the near future? Does it feel right to have this kind of system in the game or do you think the narrative should play out directly from the developers instead? When do you think that the console gamers will have a chance to experience this narrative game and will it be early in June as proposed? Wander on down to the comment section and get ready to discuss all of it as you so wish. We will share all that we can for INDIKA when we get it, so please keep on checking back in for all of those updates and the many others we have coming on the site. Even if some of them are nothing more than a basic video we have to share with the world.