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Review: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of August 2010 - 02:39 PM ]
Last we left this extremely odd couple, they were fleeing for their life with Kane's daughter not too well off. Now, from what you have seen so far of the story, it is years later and the two seem to have become closer even over international lines. At least it seems they are closer because I know I wouldn't want to go meet up with a psychopath that moved to China unless I had a better bond than "We Broke Out Of Jail Together." In any instance, the duo is back and ready to cut a new deal to finally get Kane out of the life of crime. Only with their luck, things are just not that simple. Read More...
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Kane & Lynch Bring Childhood Games Back
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of May 2010 - 03:24 PM ]
Remember when you were younger, more innocent and you use to play Cops and Robbers with all of your neighbors and school friends? Those were good times. Running around pointing fingers like fake guns, or using NERF™ guns. Swapping sides when caught stealing whatever little toy you had placed out there. Gods those were good times. Then we all grew up. Read More...
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