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Review — A Plague Tale: Innocence [PS5]
by Zaydin Becker [ Friday, 30th of July 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale We sit down and review A Plague Tale: Innocence. It has been given the next-gen updates to improve upon everything. Here is our review of A Plague Tale: Innocence Follow the grim tale of fifteen-year-old Amicia and her five-year-old brother Hugo. In a heartrending journey through the darkest hours of history. The siblings are being hunted down by the inquisition and surrounded by massive swarms of rats. Amicia and Hugo will come to know and trust each other. Read More...
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Rumors Are Swarming That A Sequel To A Plague Tale Is Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of December 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale There are reports out there that A Plague Tale is getting a sequel with A Plague Tale2 aiming for a 2022 release window It looks like new rumors are circling out there that a sequel to A Plague Tale: Innocence is in the works for us all. Quite a bit of an interesting thing to hear indeed given how well Asobo Studio did with this little title and all of the praise it has garnered. Maybe not when you put it all that way, but those who have played A Plague Tale: Innocence may be questioning if and how one would be coming about. It really was great as an isolated thing, but I know I for one would be interested in seeing and hearing of a new one. Read More...
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Review — A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of May 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale We sit down and review A Plague Tale: Innocence. A stealth game with a tale of innocence lost and millions of plague rats. Here is our review of A Plague Tale: Innocence The swarm is here as A Plague Tale: Innocence is out there now for the masses to enjoy and see just what 5000 rats on screen can look like when they are tormenting an innocent brother and sister team. That may sound a bit grim, but that is the very basic description of this game from Asobo Studio here even though there is so much more going on with it all. I had a chance to actually sit down and play A Plague Tale to see what other interesting things were in the game along with its stealth gameplay and sling-fling mechanics. Read More...
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Monsters Are Lurking Everywhere In A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of May 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale A new trailer for A Plague Tale: Innocence is out now and shows us more of the true monsters the kids will need to face in A Plague Tale If you have been following along with A Plague Tale: Innocence up to now, then you may already know that there are going to be swarms of rats in the game and it would be easy to think of them as the true monsters of the game. They are out to devour our flesh and hinder all kinds of progress as we have seen in the past trailers. No one would fault you for that line of thinking. Read More...
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Amicia & Hugo Are Going To Need All Of Our Help In A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of May 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale A new gameplay breakdown for A Plague Tale: Innocence is here to show off more of A Plague Tale as well as how we can aide the duo along In just a few weeks we will be able to sink our teeth and claws into A Plague Tale: Innocence and see how this game truly pans out after so much waiting. I still remember my first look at it all way back when it was a basic dream in Asobo Studio's minds and a basic PowerPoint presentation in a back room at E3. I saw the potential and I am glad that I did as it looks like it is shaping up to be something that could truly be fun and interesting for gaming. Read More...
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Things Go A Bit Uncut For A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of April 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale New gameplay for A Plague Tale: Innocence is here in an uncut form to give us a look at one of the levels we will experience in A Plague Tale May 14th no longer seems like it is that far off, but to help with that wait for A Plague Tale: Innocence we have some new gameplay to look at. As if we have not had a plethora of it all in the past few months and week. I will not scoff at Asobo Studio for giving us all more to go on. Read More...
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A Plague Tale: Innocence Has A Darker Story Than We Thought
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale A new story trailer for A Plague Tale: Innocence goes into more of the relationships of the characters and how it will be just as dark as A Plague Tale’s gameplay There was never any doubt that A Plague Tale: Innocence was going to be a dark and sad story given the concept and topic the game was aiming to cover. The Black Death is not a happy time for pretty much anyone and Asobo Studio is digging into it a bit more by aiming to tell a dark tale mixed into its stealth and puzzle gameplay. If you have been keeping up with A Plague Tale, then you know just about what we are all expecting of the game on May 14th. Read More...
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Meet The Children Of The Plague From A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of February 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale The final video for A Plague Tale: Innocence's behind the scenes is here and it dives deeper into the enemies and challenges A Plague Tale will offer The webseries for A Plague Tale: Innocence has come to an end as we now have the final episode to take in. These would be the behind the scenes videos that Asobo Studio has placed out there for all of us to get a better idea of how they built this game. Also to keep A Plague Tale on our minds while we wait for May 14th to roll up and offer the game up on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We need something as the attention spans of gamers do not seem to last long at all. Read More...
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A Plague Tale: Innocence Is Giving Us A New Take On The Middle Ages
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of January 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale The second video of A Plague Tale: Innocence’s web series is here and it takes us behind the choices used to build the lands of A Plague Tale I hope you are ready to see more for A Plague Tale: Innocence as we have the next video in the web series here to take in for the game. This would be the behind the scenes style videos showing off why Asobo Studio made the choices that they did in creating the game here. It has been one on my watch list for a while given the setting and gameplay style and now we have more on the era that A Plague Tale is set. That would be the Dark or Middle ages depending on who is talking about it. Read More...
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A Plague Tale: Innocence Now Has A Release Date To Survive To
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of January 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale The release date for A Plague Tale: Innocence is set and with it comes a new behind the scene video showcasing even more of A Plague Tale than before It has been a fun and long trailer with A Plague Tale: Innocence as we have been following along and now we have an end in sight for when we will actually get to play the game. Yes, it looks like Asobo Studio is ready to give us a release date for the game and now it is set for May 14th. Now you know when this dark action/puzzle game will be hitting your PS4, Xbox One, and PC so you can plan accordingly. Read More...
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A Plague Tale: Innocence Looks Stunning With These New Screenshots
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of December 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale A new batch of screenshots for A Plague Tale: Innocence are here to show off how stunning and gorgeous the world of A Plague Tale: Innocence will be Here we go with yet another new batch of screenshots for A Plague Tale: Innocence to take in and gods they look amazing. The game already looked like it was going to be a sight to see from everything that Asobo Studio has shown so far, but these show off the level of detail that the team is going with when it comes to the world and characters. In fact, it looks like there has been a vast upgrade from what we have seen in the past for A Plague Tale: Innocence. Granted, those were all early build of the game that Focus Home Interactive was using to let us know it was coming, but here we can see that the team is fully at work and on point to bring us a fun experience on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019. Read More...
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Take A Walk Through Some New Gameplay For A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of August 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale The gameplay from A Plague Tale: Innocence’s E3 demo is now here for all to see and experience all of the gameplay options in A Plague Tale Just in case my words from the E3 impressions for A Plague Tale: Innocence did not paint the best brain picture for you, or you just wanted to see how the gameplay actually rolled out, then get ready for a whole lot of it out of Gamescom. It seems like a long wait for Asobo Studio to actually give this out the public in a solid way, but it is what it is. Do not knock it or we will not get it in the future and we will be regulated to secondhand updates from Focus Home Interactive instead. Read More...
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E3 2018 Impressions — A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of June 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale While at E3, I was able to see A Plague Tale: Innocence in a more intimate setting than just a trailer. Here is my take on A Plague Tale: Innocence. Another E3 has come and we had another year where we had a chance to check out A Plague Tale: Innocence. This would be that interesting stealth-adventure game that Asobo Studio has been working on that is set in 14th century France where we are being swarmed by rats and need to survive. Not only that but in A Plague Tale: Innocence the innocence stands refers to the protagonist(s) of the story as we take on the role of two young children in the mix of all of this. Time to add another dark yet interesting title to the list for Focus Home Interactive. Read More...
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A Plague Tale: Innocence Has New Screenshots To Whisk Us Away To A New Location
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of March 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale New screenshots for A Plague Tale: Innocence are here and they give us a look at how some clashes have left more bodies lying around in A Plague Tale After a nice long wait, we finally have more to see for A Plague Tale: Innocence to get our hype back up for this interesting sounding title. In fact, last I saw anything for the game it was in a small room at E3 last year where Asobo Studio was showing off the very basics of the game and how we would be traversing a horror-scape filled with plague rats that could only be kept at bay by the light we held or set. It was one of the more interesting titles I saw then and I have been keeping an eye out for anything else to show off for A Plague Tale: Innocence. Read More...
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E3 2017 Impressions — A Plague Tale: Innocence
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of June 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
A Plague Tale While at E3 I was able to see A Plague Tale: Innocence in a more intimate setting than just a trailer. Here's my take on A Plague Tale: Innocence When you hear something like A Plague Tale: Innocence you instantly think of just an illness and maybe some innocent seeming people being affected by said illness. I know that is what I thought when I first heard about Asobo Studio's new title coming to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I won't lie, originally this wasn't much on my radar but Focus Home Interactive had me on over to have a look at a bit of the game here at E3 and it is a bit more that what I mentioned before. Read More...
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