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Google Gets Pac-Mania
by Kevin [ Sunday, 23rd of May 2010 - 12:42 PM ]
To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Pac-Man, Google has done one of the coolest things with their logo in recent memory, transforming it into a playable stage of the classic game. Though I hesitate to think that this will be a trend and will lead to more video game related logos for Google, it's good to see that when they decide to introduce something gaming related they actually make it interactive and not static. You can start the game by "inserting a coin" or by waiting ten seconds before the game starts automatically. Pac-Man has been one of the constants of gaming since 1980, and was introduced when the more popular games of the time were space shooters like Asteroids. Read More...
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Did You Google Swinging Video
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of February 2009 - 09:15 PM ]
Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop Webisode 2 So if two day is too long to wait for a chance to try out the motion controls for Capcom's new Dead Rising game, they have brought out another of those fun little videos showing you the controls for the game. This time it shows off how to attack with any of the melee weapons you can pick up in the game. As we know there are a lot of random things like this in this franchise. As you guessed it, it really just comes down to waving the WiiMote to swing the weapon at your targets. Read More...
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Google Brings You Ninjas!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of November 2008 - 11:47 PM ]
Spice up your inbox with colors and themes While trolling around the interwebs I stumbled across a nice little tidbit from Guild actress Felicia Day. GMail Themes! So I had to go see if I was one of these lucky few and low and behold there it was on one of my accounts. So not completely gaming news, but it is kind of cool geek news. But it looks like a select "few" people have been selected to take a gander at GMail's new Themes for their Beta of the service. No real details on when it will be wide release, but there are some really cool themes selected. Read More...
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Google's G1 Android Phone...
by Taylor Rose [ Thursday, 16th of October 2008 - 03:44 PM ]
I know many of's members are, like me, big supporters of Google. I've been highly anticipating the Google G1 Android Phone, and it has finally been announced that the phone will be available in stores on October 22, 2008. What is Android, you might ask? Android is a software platform and operating system that Google developed for mobile devices. Based off of the Linux kernel, it also allows developers to code in a Java-esque syntax: however, it does not provide the full-class libraries/APIS that come with the Java SE or Me, but rather implements the Apache Harmony Java.  Regardless of its seemingly limited functionality, Paul Reddick, CEO of Handmark (a developer of mobile media apps and services for the iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and other OSs) thinks Android will "help breed the simple and elegant programs consumers crave". Read More...
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Google (not) to buy Valve.
by Andy [ Wednesday, 17th of September 2008 - 04:45 PM ]
Update: Accoring to MTV Multiplayer, Doug Lombardi says it's a "complete fabrication"Yesterday at the GDC, our very own Clov3r got the chance to talk with the developers over at the Valve booth and got confirmation that it is infact a fabrication. The Valve developers joked around with the idea that someone could say such a thing, not seeming to mind the idea much and was "the talk of the office" yesterday morning- - - Original article:In a very interesting turn of events, it seems that Google is looking at Valve. Why you may ask? It really is quite simple, Valve has an amazing Content Distribution System, aka Steam. Read More...
Tags: valve, google, GDC,
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Google or Glados
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of August 2008 - 01:37 AM ]
Google Uses Portal For Programming Competition So we all know that google is a super-computer trying to take over the world, even if there are real humans there working on the machines and systems. At least that is what the beast wants us to believe. Now there is further proof that my tin-foil hat is totally needed for the world. Well somewhat at least. More like, we can watch the best of the best in coding go up for a challenge. Read More...
Tags: Google, Glados, AI,
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Get Read For Z-Day
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of July 2008 - 06:23 PM ]
Sony Combines Zombies And... Google Earth So here's a fun sounding idea. You take zombies and cities. You plot them out on a map. Then you use Google Earth to save all the people who were not ready for Z-Day. Brilliance! And it is call The Last Guy. Sounds a bit like playing Infected only using the top down map view, but still, it is a great idea. Could really help you finalize your zombie plan in your own town. Even though it breaks one of the cardinal rules of Z-Day. Read More...
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HACK Ads Invade CAL'S Website
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Tuesday, 10th of June 2008 - 09:48 PM ]
For anyone familiar with most any website, Google Ads is probably a common distraction. The Cyberathlete Amateur League aka CAL, proved today more than ever that it's no exception to the mayhem brought upon by Google's "selection" for the ads generated. Today these lovely ads gracefully advertised "Hacks" on their CS Intermediate division's page in a display of irony that can only be responded by with plenty of laughs. "GET THE BEST WORKING CS HACKS" ...while you check your messages, division news and download the Anti-Cheat System? Read More...
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