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Night Book Will Be Telling Its Story Before The End Of The Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of July 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Night Book The release date for Night Book is now set down with Night Book hitting us all before the end of this July It was first teased during this year's E3 and there was no release in site at all, but here we are with the announcement that Night Book will be hitting us in July. That is this month for those following along and while there are many days in it, Wales Interactive has set it down to give us the date of July 27th for when it will be hitting us on all of those platforms out there. That is quite an impressive turnaround from the announcement to the launch for Night Book, and it could pay off extremely well. I mean, as far as anticipation and waiting are concerned but not so much in the hype building and promotion for the indie FMV game that could be another home run for the developer and publisher here. Read More...
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Night Book Teases Us All With A Bit Of A Real World Mystery To Solve
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of June 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Night Book A new FMV game, Night Book, was teased during this year's E3 with Night Book showing off what remote work can accomplish Here we go with another one of the great FMV style video games getting teased and poised to hit us with Night Book. This would be one of the next titles that Wales Interactive and Good Gate Media will be bringing to us on all of the platforms out there when it does hit. It also happened to be a small thing to slip out there during E3 this year that might have gone unnoticed for a bit. We spotted it, and given how the same style of games we have seen from them before Night Book have been our jam, it is time to take a look at this one. Read More...
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