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Is Silent Hill Downpour Going To Have Child Abuse Now?
by Fred Buell [ Tuesday, 20th of September 2011 - 05:39 PM ]
Most likely not, unless the new trailer for Silent Hill: Downpour from Tokyo Game Show 2011 is sending hidden messages other mixed in with the new visuals and little bit of story. They did just use Korn here and while the music adds a bit of creep to the whole thing, it is an interesting choice given the music the band started out with. While their themes would be a bit fitting for the town of Silent Hill, I think we are still a way off from Konami adding that into the mix. I could be wrong. Read More...
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Comparing Silent Hill: Downpour To Alan Wake...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of April 2011 - 08:48 PM ]
So I was trolling around the net, as I am want to do, and I stumbled across some interesting discussions surrounding Silent Hill: Downpour. Primarily people talking about how the latest screen shots, seen below, are very reminiscent to some of the visuals in Alan Wake. So close to the point where I have seen a few people state that Konami is just ripping off from the game. There is also some people trying to defend the fact that because it looks close it doesn't mean it is a rip off. I would say they are interesting points except for the fact that Alan Wake was almost a blatant rip off of a franchise that was around for years prior. Read More...
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Silent Hill Downpour Screen Shots, No Rain Puns Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of January 2011 - 09:47 PM ]
While other sites are taking the easy correlation to subtitle for Silent Hill: Downpour and the amount of screen shots we just had showered on us, I am going to take the high ground and not make an easy pun. Have to keep it classy and not say that Konami let loose the flood gates with these screen shots. Also not say that here's a monsoon of new looks at Silent Hill: Downpour. We are so much higher brow here. Read More...
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