Is Silent Hill Downpour Going To Have Child Abuse Now?

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The trailer does show that Silent Hill: Downpour is starting to shape up rather well in the visual and horror factor. The lighting effects are really damn cool to look at even though some of the character and monster models are a little generic. Also, what is up with that damned mail man still delivering mail in the ghost town? I'm sure there is a reason but as of now it is a little weird to see such a "normal" person wandering the streets.

I am also a little happy and sad to see the world transition effect in the video and screens. Happy in the fact that there are trying to take the awesome effect from the film. Sad that it looks like King Minos is just walking around touching things wily nilly. Hopefully in practice it will look just as awesome as the film's effect, but something tells me that we might be in for a let down there.

What do you think? We want to know. Do you think there should be the child abuse theme added in? (Just in case Konami is reading and wants to steal ideas.) Feel free to leave comments. They're free.

Silent Hill: Downpour Silent Hill: Downpour Silent Hill: Downpour