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The Possession Starts Once Again With The Definitive Edition Of The Mortuary Assistant
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of July 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Mortuary Assistant The Mortuary Assistant is getting a new edition that will finally bring The Mortuary Assistant to the consoles out there Two years after The Mortuary Assistant hit the PC, we are finally going to see it make the leap onto the consoles out there. Not just one or two, but the current spread of them with the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Switch. Along with all of that, DarkStone Digital and DreadXP are bringing a bunch of new things to the PC version as well. No one is going to be left out as we are getting The Mortuary Assistant: Definitive Edition. Read More...
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Paranormal Activity Is Getting A Bit Of Footage Found
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of February 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Paranormal Activity A new entry into the Paranormal Activity IP is coming with a video game version of Paranormal Activity on the way Those looking to get more of the Paranormal Activity IP out there, it looks as if we will have a new video game on the way to us all. A new video game coming from DarkStone Digital and DreadXP for all of the main platforms out there too. At least as it will all go in 2026 when the game is slated to get to us all out there. So, this is the most basic of announcements coming for a Paranormal Activity video game, but it is something on the way. Read More...
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Review — The Mortuary Assistant
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of August 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
The Mortuary Assistant We sit down and review The Mortuary Assistant. A new simulation title that is not all that it seems. Here is our review of The Mortuary Assistant It feels like we have been getting a whole slew of simulation style games and job-sims in the industry, and now we get to add one more with The Mortuary Assistant. The latest title to hit the PC from DarkStone Digital and DreadXP, only that this one also goes a bit further than just being a job simulation game. In fact, The Mortuary Assistant aims to give us all of those basic motions while adding even more horror to the job at hand. Read More...
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The Mortuary Assistant — Launch Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of August 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Mortuary Check out the new trailer for The Mortuary Assistant that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure The Mortuary Assistant is a horror simulation title for the PC coming from DarkStone Digital and DreadXP on August 2nd, 2022.     The Mortuary Assistant — Launch Trailer Late one night, you are called into work to process and embalm some cadavers. Death doesn’t keep daytime hours. But there is something different about these bodies, because there is something different about you. Read More...
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