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Review: RVBX
by Fred Buell [ Thursday, 29th of November 2012 - 12:01 AM ]
I recently got the chance to sit through the whole 10th Anniversary box set of Red vs Blue. It consists of all 10 seasons of this superb show and to top it off each season has been re-cut into feature length style with no breaks and remastered with surround sound. Sometimes after shows have been around 10 years, as RvB has, it doesn't age well. I can assure you this is not the case here. The show is just as funny now as it was when it first launched online 10 years ago. Read More...
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More Good HD-DVD News
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 06:24 PM ]
Best Buy Is Onboard With Reimbursing For HD Ok, so 2 weeks ago I mentioned about how Circuit City is helping those who got shafted with an HD player. Click Here to read. But it looks like Best Buy is going to hook up the cut as well, and then some. I love to see how one company is trying to one up the other and us consumers can reap the benni from it. So here's the skinny. First, they are going to be sending out $50 gift cards to people who bought HD players or HD-DVD Attachments. Read More...
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A Cheaper Way To Get A PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of March 2008 - 07:31 PM ]
Circuit City Has A PS3 Return Policy For HD-DVD Players Ok, now this one isn't the online scams and such that you get spammed with every time you log online or do a search for the PS3. Circuit City has announced that they will take back any HD-DVD players and exchange them for a nice shiny new Blu-Ray player. The customer still has to pay the difference, but you can also take back a player you bought no more than a couple months ago. You know, before Toshiba dropped there bomb of backing out of the HD format race. Read More...
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