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The Skeksis Are Out In Force In The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of February 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
The Dark Crystal Just before the launch of The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics we get a good look at the antagonists of The Dark Crystal in rare form Tomorrow (Feb. 4th) marks the day that The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics lands on the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch, and it feels as if we have not been given the fullest of breakdowns for the game. I mean, we know who the villains of the game are going to be as BonusXP is sticking close to the source and we will see the Skeksis in there trying to wreck our faces. There has been no hiding that. Read More...
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The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics Is Ready For You To Pre-Order
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of January 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
The Dark Crystal Pre-Orders for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics have been opened up and you can secure your next part of The Dark Crystal saga If you are one of those fans of The Dark Crystal that could not get enough of the franchise before and after the new show, then you have most likely been keeping an eye on the upcoming game from BonusXP that drops on February 4th. That would not be a huge surprise at all. What we have here now, though, is a bit of a surprise for you as you can head out and pre-order The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, or various PC options right now. Read More...
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The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics Dives Deeper Into Our Jobs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of January 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
The Dark Crystal A new Peer Into The Crystal for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics takes us deeper into the job system coming to this version of The Dark Crystal It is time to peer deeper into the game that will be The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics and see a fun little feature that is being brought over from another fun title in our gaming past. That is, it looks like BonusXP and En Masse Entertainment will be using a Job system in the game to help with the tactics side of it all and give us a nice feel for another title that we all loved in the past. It will remain nameless until you watch the latest video for The Dark Crystal here, as that is going to be our focus for now. Read More...
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The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics Is Coming To Us This February
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of December 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
The Dark Crystal The release date for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics is now set in February and will expand the story for The Dark Crystal a bit more All because nostalgia is a thing and people have been wanting more for The Dark Crystal, it looks like we have a release date for the next little chapter of it all. Before you begin to think we have shifted the focus of our content here, we are talking about the upcoming turn-base-strategy title that BonusXP has been working on with En Masse Entertainment to bring us. The one that is slated to hit the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Mac, and PC. Read More...
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