The Dark Crystal
A new Peer Into The Crystal for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics takes us deeper into the job system coming to this version of The Dark Crystal
It is time to peer deeper into the game that will be The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics and see a fun little feature that is being brought over from another fun title in our gaming past. That is, it looks like BonusXP and En Masse Entertainment will be using a Job system in the game to help with the tactics side of it all and give us a nice feel for another title that we all loved in the past. It will remain nameless until you watch the latest video for The Dark Crystal here, as that is going to be our focus for now. Since February 4th is rolling up on us fast, we should focus there so we know which system we will be playing on.
As one should be able to surmise, each character race in The Dark Crystal here will have three different base jobs to select from. For the Gelflings, we have Scout, Soldier, and Mender. Each of these can be upgraded and combined to create various secondary jobs after that, which comes with their own skills and abilities. Then we will have one more layer after that with advanced jobs to further round them all out and expand the options well beyond what most of us will use. This is also just for one of the core races in The Dark Crystal with each having all of their own little differences to keep the tactical side of things flowing far into the future. Have a look and get a taste for how this evolution will flow.
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics — Jobs
In our second episode of Peer Into the Crystal, we take a deeper look at the different jobs that you'll unlock through your time in The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics.
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics will release for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac on February 4th, 2020!
Are you excited to see a job system here in The Dark Crystal or did you think it was going to be a more basic version of it all to experience? Do you think we are going to see some job overlap or will they each be as unique and different as we should expect? Do you see the combination you will be going with to get to one of those advanced jobs or is it still too soon to tell at this point? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics, we will add it all here. All you have to do is keep checking in for all of that and more.